Release (Quackbur) (s)

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Category: smut

Tw: nope. Nothing this time, I believe.

Creds: @YYDKDB8365429

(I wrote this with like no second thoughts, this was legit just thoughts flooding onto a page so sorry about that? I guess? Honestly it came out okay, so I'm not all mad.)

Quackity was going through a rough patch, which wasn't uncommon.

It seemed no matter how hard he tried, the world always seemed to hit him back.

Not to mention he was horny. He just needed something- no. Someone to take the edge off.

And it certainly didn't help that he had just demanded a 1v1 from Wilbur and narrowly lost.

He was painfully close to finally beating his rival, he could feel it. It was such a close fight that it just made him all the more agitated he lost.

So, he decided it was time he embraced brewing potions.

He hadn't even touched a brewing stand, but if it ensured he would finally win against Wil, he needed one. He couldn't lose to his rival again.

Clearly, he was going to need a blaze rod. Sighing heavily when he realized he had none, he reluctantly found his way to the nether portal.

Little did he know, Wilbur was also in the nether.

The older, however, was there for wither skeleton skulls. If you're wondering why; he's Techno's brother. He likes to fuck shit up.

The last person he expected to see near the fortress was the man he fought not even three hours ago, fending off a blaze and completely ignoring his previous injuries.

Quackity had just finished killing a third blaze when he turned just to see a wither skeleton looming directly over him, sword drawn and about to swing.

Before he could even react, he was tackled by someone, landing both of them just off the fortress bridge and into a small cave.

He grunted in pain as he hit the ground, the gash in his side colliding with the hard surface first.

He looked up to reveal Wilbur, who was now placing netherrack blocks to seal them into the cave.

Q cursed under his breath, backing up. Unfortunately it was one of those weird tunnels that only expand about four blocks back before ending.

Wil turned back to the other, glaring at him, "What the fuck do you think you're doing?"

"Well I was killing blazes until you came along." He glared back, ignoring the pain shooting all over his body as well as the growing concern Wilbur would just outright kill him.

The older could finish him off easily. But if he wanted to, then why go through the trouble of saving him in the first place?

"What the fuck are you doing? Why did you cut that wither off?" He asked finally.

"A 'thank you' wouldn't kill you, you know." He scoffed, sitting down and leaning his head back against the wall he'd just built, catching his breath.

They sat in silence, Quackity still holding his glare, and Wilbur panting slightly, eyes closed.

"You still haven't answered my question."

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