Author x Reader (platonic)

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(If you're easily triggered by the mention of an ed or just your mental health in general, please tread lightly. I'm not trauma dumping, I promise. This is just a check up after the last one shot I wrote.)

Hey nerds. Just a reminder to:

1. Hydrate. Philza and Tommy can't keep hydrating for all of us. Consider this a hydration check. Go get water, you dehydrated child.

2. Please get a snack today. Even if it's not much. Try ripping off the calorie thing on the nutrition label or wearing loose clothes.

3. Try to avoid getting sick. I just got the second vaccine and am FEELING THE BURN. If this is just the side effects of the vaccine, trust me, you don't want to get sick.

4. Take care of yourselves. Please. If you just feel like you can't, tell someone. You don't have to do this alone.

Gentle reminder also: you don't have to write a prompt. You can just comment or dm me a ship and I'll get to work writing.

I try to have stuff written in under 4 days. My teachers work fast to get me behind on homework, but I work faster writing fanfics and procrastinating.

That's all. In the words of Wilbur Soot, "Seize the day." Or don't. Why are you letting him boss you around? Take a nap. Take a break. Recollect yourselves, then when you're ready, everything will still be waiting for you.

One shots: Dream SMPМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя