Cat Got Your Tongue? (Quackity X George) (S)

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Tw: choking, degrading, public indecency (I know there's a different term for it but it's like 4am and I haven't slept).

Category: smut

I can't remember who but someone asked for a second part so here.


It wasn't fair to Quackity.

George had agreed that if he behaved all week, he'd get more.

More pleasure mixed with just a hint of pain that he adored so much.

And Jesus, George had to have known the effect he had on the boy. There was no way what he did was on accident. He knew exactly how to make Quackity melt.

Sometimes, Q wasn't so sure though. George seemed so innocent at times it was hard to tell if he knew just how much he turned the other on.

Q was so touch starved, George could simply brush past him and he was certain his legs would shake from nerves.

And again, it wasn't fair. It was so easy to cause chaos or go around killing and stealing. But if he did, he wouldn't get what he needed.

It helped a bit that DreamXD had turned canon lives back on. Quackity couldn't exactly kill anyone whenever he wanted anymore.

But that was all the more reason to prepare for when he could. So, here he sat, tying bows with string and arrowheads with strips of leather.

He was doing so well, when of course George slammed open his door, looking unamused.

"Okay, where is it?"

Quackity hurried stood, eyes darting to the other, "W-Where's what?" He fumbled, trying his best to ignore the image of George overtop of him, shirtless and sweaty.

"My pickaxe. How many times do I have to tell you not to touch my stuff?" He grumbled, crossing his arms as he awaited a reply impatiently.

But Quackity took his time to dial back his imagination; For both of their sake's.

He closed his eyes for a moment, letting out an exhale as he did so. Only to be greeted with the image of George rolling his eyes back in bliss, not unlike the last time he saw the other male.

He quickly opened them, "I didn't- I mean I don't-" He groaned, throwing down the arrow he was trying to tie. "-I don't have it." He finally managed out, following up with a small, "Jesus Christ." When he couldn't get his words out.

George raised an eyebrow, "Something wrong, Quackity?" He shut the door and took a few steps towards the other.

Why'd he say his name like that? Fuck. "No- no I'm good. Maybe Tommy took it?" He backed up a bit.

The taller hummed, "Maybe. But just know, if I find out you have it, I'm not following through."

Panic flashed through the shorter's eyes and he was quick to tug at the George's sleeve, "Wait-"

George's lip curved up into a small smirk, "Yes?" He asked. There's that fake innocence again.

Quackity let go of his sleeve, surprised at his own actions. "I haven't-" He paused.

George was being a bit of a dick, in Quackity's opinion. First, the older fucks him until he couldn't think, then he just up and left him for a week.

It made him wonder, "Did that even mean anything to you? Or are you just messing with me?" He finally voiced his thoughts.

This made the other's smirk falter. He looked down at the boy, who was now avoiding eye contact like his life depended on it.

George lifted his chin up with his index finger, pressing a kiss on his cheek.

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