Cat Got Your Tongue?: Quackity x George (s)

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Tw: degrading language, smut in case you couldn't tell by the title.

Creds to: @s_a_d_i_x


This was the goddamn third time. The third time Quackity had killed him. No, they weren't canonical, and no, he wasn't speedrunning. It was just getting really fucking annoying.

He groaned in frustration as he respawned, running back to where he died as Quackity cackled. "Will you stop already?!" He yelled, collecting what was left of his stuff.

But Quackity was already distracted. He started laughing a bit.

"What did you do? Wait—" George patted himself down. "-What did you do with my axe?!" He yelled, getting more frustrated with the younger by the minute.

"Oh George~" Quackity hummed, suggestively.

George groaned, ignoring how red his face was starting to get as he followed the voice, against his better judgment. "Give me back my axe." He grunted, looking through the trees. He readied his shield and a diamond sword.

"Come and get it." He heard directly behind him, dodging at the very last second as Quackity brought down the axe, lodging it in the dirt. George held his shield up, preparing for another advance from his counterpart.

Quackity grabbed the handle, pulling harshly but not managing to free it. He tried again. And again. And again. Finally, he just rested his arm on top of the handle and his head above his arm. "Well this is awkward." He chuckled nervously.

George said nothing, keeping his expression plain if not slightly pissed as he started towards Q.

Quackity moved away from the axe, backing up hurriedly until his back hit a tree, "Whoa whoa whoa, hold on a second! There's no need to get hasty or anything." He quickly tried talking his way out of the older man killing him.

George got to his axe, pulling it out of the ground with one hand and smirking to Quackity. "Really?"

Quackity's eyes widened at this, "What the hell? There's no way you're stronger than me." He muttered, confident in his abilities.

George was quick to slam his hand against the tree, right next to Alex's head. "You think so?" He asked, dropping his axe and using his other hand to pin Quackity's wrists up.

Even with George only using one hand, Alex struggled consistently; Finding he couldn't break Gogy's grip.

"I can- I can do it just give me-" George casually rested his knee against the tree, right between Alex's legs. At the time, he really didn't think anything of the action. Nope, not him.

Quackity was extremely aware of this though, freezing up a bit. "um... G-George?" His voice started to lose its air of confidence to it, unsure of what situation was about to unfold.

George hummed playfully letting his voice drop a bit as he asked, "How's it feel knowing I can hold you down this easily?"

Quackity had to close his eyes for a bit, trying to gain composer, only to let out a shaky breath that gave it all away.

George chuckled at this, but that only gave Quackity new found determination. He couldn't let George have the satisfaction. "You know... you might have me pinned, but that doesn't mean I'm powerless." He smirked up, confidence anew.

"Oh? And how—" He cut himself off, biting his lip.

Quackity had rolled his hips onto the older, smirking when he obviously became turned on. "Something wrong, George? Cat got your tongue?"

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