The Maid Stream (Feret)

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Alright no triggers. Just a smut warning, obviously. And hella fluff. Credits for the idea: DreamSMPFanzzz .

Fundys pov
Oh I'm totally gonna get made fun of for this stream. There's no way I won't. But hey, its raking in viewers and crushing gender stereotypes so that's rad of me.

It was an incredibly tiring stream though. I let out a sigh of relief the second I saw the live circle blink away, collapsing in my seat.

Quite honestly, I have no perception of myself. I have no idea how I look or how the maid outfit looked on me. According to my chat, it was hot. But my chat supports me no matter what, so their opinion isn't necessarily fair.

"Hey Fundy? I know you said not to come in during the stream but I'm ordering take out-" Eret stopped in their tracks.

I glanced up at him, my hands balled up tightly on my lap. "I-uh- yeah. Yeah take out sounds great. What are you ordering?" I tried to cover up my flustered demeanor as best as I could.

Eret paused, "W-Well... I was going to order sushi." She shut the door.

I frowned slightly, "Was? Why was? I love sushi." He bit his lip.

"Cmere a second?" I gave a confused head tilt, walking over.

"...You uh- you look really good in that." They blushed a deep crimson.

I smiled slightly, "You think so?"

"Fu- uh- yeah." He mumbled.

I rubbed my eyes, laughing softly, "Thanks man, I'm surprisingly tired now."

Walking back to my bed, I flopped down on it, sighing heavily.

I expected Eret to say something else but... she seemed to just look down at me on the bed with that same dazed stare.

See... he and I had a bad habit of falling asleep together.

It started because of me actually. I happened to overhear Eret crying in his room.


"Eret? Hey- are you okay? What's going on?" I kneeled onto her bed, a hand on her arm.

He pulled me close to him, tears silently falling as he mumbled, "Just- bad dream."

I held him tighter, "Is there anything I can do?"

"...Would- uh- would it be weird of me to ask you to stay? Sorry I just-"

"Eret. Of course I'll stay. I hate seeing you so upset. Besides, half the internet calls me a furry. Do you really think staying the night in the same bed with my best friend is going to phase me?"

He gave a little laugh, still clinging to me, "Thanks sunshine."



From that night we just got more comfortable around each other. Sometimes we'd just talk late at night and end up cuddling.

And now, she seemed to hover a bit at my doorway. I sat up on my elbows, smirking, "Want me to order? You know... since you have phone anxiety." Really, I was just making an excuse to keep him around.

"That.. would be ideal yeah. Thanks." She sat on the edge of the bed, pulling out his phone and dialing the number, then handing his phone to me.

"Hello? Yes I'd like-" I yawned briefly, "I'd like two orders of California rolls and rice." I nodded, "Yes. Thank you. Bye." I hung up.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2022 ⏰

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