Chapter Seventeen - Happiness

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Today was the day. My wedding. I looked at myself in the mirror having so many flashbacks of the first time I stood at this mirror. I wanted to break down in to tears then but now? Now I want to seriously scream of joy. I'm happy. So fucking happy. And it feels damn amazing.

Olivia and Stephanie cried and smiled looking at me. And so did I. There wasn't an inch of sadness in me, only joy.

The music started to play and my dad came to escort me. He cried to as he hugged me.

"I'm so proud of you Laura. You've grown to be such an amazing young lady. I couldn't be happier for you."

"Thank you dad." I reply beaming brightly.

He walked me down the aisle. This time I smiled at everyone as I walked to the love of my life. I couldn't stop smiling. At this point I was sure of it. I wanted this.

He left me at the alter leaving a small kiss on my cheek as I stood next to Leo.

When we turned he smiled at me. That smile made everything else go black. All I saw was him.

"We're gathered here...again." The priest began as we all laughed.

"To celebrate the love of these to wonderful kids. Love is such a beautiful thing. It's when you find happiness in that person. It's when only that person can make you feel things you never thought you could. They become your life." The priest said as Leo and I stared into each other's eyes. He had a grin on his face. Everything about him was perfect.

" you Leonardo Rossetti take Laurella Salvatore to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do." He said with his attention fully on me.

"And do you, Laurella Salvatore take Leonardo Rossetti to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do." I reply beaming with joy.

"Then I now pronounce you husband and wife."

We exchanged rings and smiled at each other. "I'm yours." Leonardo says.

"And I'm yours." I reply.

"Till death do us part." We say at the same time.

"You may now kiss the bride." The priest announced as Leo didn't hesitate before he kissed me as I wrapped my arms around his neck and everyone stood up and applauded.

"That's my brother and best friend!!!!!!" Tyler screamed from the front row. I never noticed the beautiful girl sitting next time him smiling and cheering on. She had dark chestnut hair and amber eyes.

"I love you." Leonardo says as he escorted me down.

"I love you more." I reply giving him a peck on the cheek.

"Laura! This is Amelia.." Tyler says approaching us.

"Amelia this is laura, my best friend and now sister in law. And thats my brother. Leonardo." Tyler introduced with a grin.

"It's so nice to meet you. His told me so much about you." She said softly.

"It's nice to meet you to." I reply grinning.

"Congrats on your wedding by the way."

"Thank you." Leonardo and I say at the same time.

"One day will be you up there with this guy." I say glancing at Tyler chuckling.

"Yeah." Both of them said looking at each other.

The music switched to the song I always liked. It's because that's the song my mother and father danced to at their wedding. My mother told me about this when I was little and ever since I've always wanted to dance to it at my wedding.

I started by dancing with my dad. He remember the song and couldn't stop smiling, neither could I.

"It's beautiful, it's bittersweet
You're like a broken home to me
I take a shot of memories
And black out like an empty street." He sang along as we swayed to the music.

"I fill my days with the way you walk
And fill my nights with broken dreams
I make up lies inside my head
Like one day you'll come back to me." I complete as I'm spun around to Tyler.

"Now I'm not holdin' on, not holdin' on
I'm just depressed that you're gone
Not holdin' on, not holdin' on." I sing.

"Beautiful mistakes, I make inside my head
She's naked in my bed
And now we lie awake, makin' beautiful mistakes." He completes making weird facial expressions at the naked part making me chuckle. I'm spun around and caught by Caleb.

"I wouldn't take 'em back
I'm in love with the past
And now we lie awake, makin' beautiful mistakes." He sings.

"Nah-nah-nah, in my head
Nah-nah-nah, in my bed
Nah-nah-nah, ayy
Makin' beautiful mistakes." I sing as I'm spun to fransesco.

"It's pitiful, I can't believe
How every day gets worse for me
I take a break, I cut you off
To keep myself from lookin' soft." He sings.

"I fill my nights with the way you was
And still wake up with broken dreams
I make these lies inside my head
Feel like they're my reality." I complete chuckling.

"I'm proud of you." He says before spinning me to Olivia.

"Now I'm not holdin' on, not holdin' on
I'm just depressed that you're gone
Not holdin' on, not holdin' on." We sing together. Then I'm spun to Leonardo.

"Beautiful mistakes, I make inside my head
She's naked in my bed
And now we lie awake, makin' beautiful mistakes." He sings making me grin.

"I wouldn't take 'em back
I'm in love with the past
And now we lie awake, makin' beautiful mistakes." I completed as we kissed and rose petals fall on us. I don't know where they're coming from but I didn't care. All I cared about was the guy in front me.

Those green eyes. I found happiness in those lifeless eyes. I found emotion in that icy voice. I fell in love with someone who I never expected to. Someone who I thought was going to hate me forever. I thought wrong. What was supposed to be a loveless marriage turned into a marriage full of love. Soulmates don't meet by accident. They're bounded by the universe. Even if it's in the weirdest ways. If your not happy...then it's not the end.

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