Chapter Nine - Voila

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"But then...on my 13th birthday my mother had died of cancer leaving me miserable. I don't think I left the room for a while week. I would wake up every morning, shower and just sit on my bed staring at the ceiling. But Tyler helped me get through that. He would phone to check if I was ok, even Caleb. But I had to leave the room eventually.

About a week later my dad started to get aggressive...he abused me but not olivia...just me. But it's my fault because I had started taking drugs and drunking at only 13. I deserved the beatings. I tried to hide those bruises but Tyler figured it out.

He couldn't do anything and for that he'd apologize to me everyday and I would tell him it's ok. Because he had nothing to apologize for.

Their was this boy in my class. Kyle Santino. I liked him but I knew I'd never be enough for him. Until he finally asked me out that week and I thought everything was going to be fine for once. Exactly two weeks later I caught him making out with another girl. His excuse was that he had needs and I wasn't ready to have my first kiss with him. That's what led to the beach. At Tyler's funeral I cried so much that I didn't think I had any tears left in me anymore. First my mom, now him. That's how your father had recognized me.

Then I turned 14. That morning when I woke up for school I felt like something was wrong. I didn't wanna go. When I told my father he forced me to so I had no choice. That same day as I walked home
I felt someone following me so I walked faster...but it wasn't enough. Someone grabbed me from behind and...he pulled me to a dark corner where no one would see. He....he raped me. I was helpless. As much as I tried to struggle out, he was too strong. My father didn't even bother to check why I was late. I probably sat there crying for what seemed like an hour. I didn't have the strength to wake up, but I did. And walked home.

When I told my father he said it was my fault. I believed him. But that's not where it stops...I tried to even kill myself but Olivia saw and then I wake up in a hospital. Of course I got shouted at for doing such a shitty thing.

When I turned 16 there was this guy. I was hesitant at first but he was so nice that I needed up giving him my heart. I was naive and stupid. After a few months of dating...he started to abuse me. Why? Because I wasn't ready to sleep with him." I wiped a stray tear from my face.

"How did you get out of it?" He asked. His voice sounded concerned.

"I uhm...i killed him. I had no other choice. And since I was a mafia leaders daughter it wasn't my first time killing someone."

Everything went silent.

"Why didn't you tell me though?"

"I didn't want you think I was looking for pity."

I turned to find him already looking at me. Our eyes locked once more. We were interrupted by a huge bang. He instantly pushed me behind me. The noise was his car that caught on fire. We stood there staring at the car flamining.

He still had his hand on my waist. He was just as stunned as I was.

He rubbed his temple and closed his eyes trying to figure out what to do.

"Well...atleast we weren't inside." He said walking foward.

He got his phone and called someone while I stared at the flames slowly burning down. I got a text from an unknown number saying

"Thought you could escape me huh?"

"Yes I need a fucking car what are you, stupid?" Leonardo yelled through the phone. He hung up and walked towards me. And noticed me staring at my phone.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing.." I say putting my phone away.

Soon a limo arrived and Leonardo signaled for me to get in.

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