Final A/N

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Thank you all for following this story! I had a lot of fun writing this and interacting with readers (mostly over on AO3, but meh). I was originally going to write an Epilogue, but I decided I'd leave of here. Hey, don't worry. There's going to be a sequel. Here's a small sneak peek before I continue.

Tommy and Techno have been peacefully living in the arctic, with occasional letters from Phil. The blonde still feels a lot guilt however.

What would happen when he's nearly executed with Techno?

Special thanks to kneescab And MYheadISaMUFFIN .

The two helped a lot and inspired me to keep writing this book whenever I felt unmotivated. Go check the two out! They have amazing stories written and I'd love for you all to check them out.

Well, have a good day/night/whenever!
Follow me if you want to get notification if I upload I think? You don't have to though

'Til next time,


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