1 - Encounter

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Tubbo's first days on the SMP have been.. bumpy, you could say.

Being the secretary of state and security isn't what a normal 16 year old would have as a job. But with his dad being president, it didn't matter at all. Paperwork came with stress, and stress was starting to build up so much for Tubbo. His life before all of this was a lot more peaceful, just running around in bright open fields with bees. Life changes, and Tubbo isn't an exception.

Schlatt? He's changed a lot. Not the normal dad he'd always be around with. A more aggressive, alcoholic dad. Tubbo's been close to his dad for years, so it was pretty hard to adapt to this new Schlatt.

"I don't care! I want this damn paperwork done by the weekend!"

"D-Dad, that's in two days! There's no way I can-" Glass breaking still echoes through his ears, making him flinch as he walked through the forest. Mountains of paperwork covered his desk, and there was absolutely no way it could be done in two days. Besides, he also had a job as security. He'd set aside different times for each job. In the morning, he'd do a perimeter check. After that, paperwork for 2 hours with breaks in between. Checking the perimeter for a while, then back to paperwork.

Man, that paperwork mountain didn't go down at all. It didn't help with Schlatt always barging in. He shouldn't worry about that now, Tubbo needed some time to himself, which he never really got ever since he'd joined the SMP. The forest would probably be a quiet place to reflect, right?


Only a few minutes after he found a place to sit, he could hear someone was also walking throughout the forest. It's probably Quackity, he does leave a lot. That's what he thought at first, but when he turned around, there was a flash of blonde hair. Startled, he stood up and looked around frantically.

"W-Who's there?!" No response, only leaves moving as if someone had ran past them. Tubbo would've head back by now, but his curiosity got the best of him. He started to move closer, to where the sounds came from. As he got closer, he could see someone. Dirty blonde hair, wearing a red and white shirt. He was taller than Tubbo would've anticipated, and he was a bit intimidating.

I REALLY should go back.. But isn't this one of the exiled guys?

He only had an iron sword, and he barely did PVP. Tubbo attempted to sneak up on him, moving as slowly as possible towards the tall one.

Instead, the Secretary was met with a kick to the face and was pinned to the ground.

"Get off!" Tubbo struggled to get up, but damn he had a firm grip.

"..You're Schlatt's son, huh?" The taller one slightly loosened his grip, still on high guard. Surprisingly? He looked pretty young, probably around 15-16 Tubbo thought. "You're younger than we- I thought."

"What do you mean.. We?" He tried to look intimidating, but failed overall.

"God, you're also much more of a fucking idiot too." Tubbo scoffed as he was released. He crossed his arms and stared the boy.

"Who are you?"

"Not important." He started to walk away, but Tubbo stopped him from doing so. Why was he lingering around here in the first place? And who else was he with? Questions stormed his mind, but Tubbo knew he wouldn't get any answer from this boy.

"Look, I'm giving you a choice," the boy sighed, and shrugged Tubbo's hand off his arm. "Either you let me go, not telling anyone about this...

...or I can give you your first canon death." Shivers ran down Tubbo's spine, the three lives system he was grateful for, but experiencing a death wasn't pleasant at all. He gulped and let the exiled boy leave. After standing there, watching as he disappeared into the distance. Should he follow him? Or should he tell the others about him? He shook his head and turned around to Manberg. Paperwork awaited him at his office, and Tubbo didn't want to make Schlatt more angry than he already was

Though something about that boy bothered him, but didn't know what.

Nevermind, I really need to start on this paperwork.



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