8 - Interuptions

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I have released a new book, it's called Rhymes! It's another Dream SMP AU, not connected to this whatsoever though.

i'll just put this out as well
For the rest of this book there will be many trigger warnings so uhhh don't read if sensitive

Lost motivation halfway through this chapter :/


Dad is here?! Tubbo panicked as he heard his dad's voice behind him. He was sure that he was busy smoking or getting drunk. Assuming things weren't the best now.

"So you did listen, I'm proud of you Tubbo!" He stayed silent, Niki looked over at Tubbo with a look of disbelief. This was something Tubbo was trying to warn Niki about, but had broken down earlier instead if doing so. Now it was too late to warn her. What happens, happens. Schlatt would surely make him imprison her again.

"You know what to do," Tubbo kept his head down and nodded. Everything seemed so hopeless at the moment. He never wanted to join the server to be involved with politics and wars right away. He wanted to help the rebels, but there wasn't anyway anymore. Niki's imprisoned again, and Schlatt would definitely get suspicious if she escaped again.

A sound of whizzing went by quickly. An arrow landed on the ground. Before Tubbo could even look around for who shot it,

He was shot, and all of his hearts were empty.

Tubbo_ was shot by TommyInnit.


He did it. He finally was able to let go of the arrow and let it fly into someone. That someone specifically was the President's son, Tubbo. The message was displayed clear as day on his communicator. Tommy jumped down from the tower, landing with a MLG Water bucket and ran towards Niki.

"C'mon Niki let's go, they'll be back soon," Niki found herself hesitating to leave Manberg. Sure, Tubbo may have ratted her out. But something was off. He had been trying to say something earlier, but he choked on his sobs.

Was he trying to warn her about this?

Niki shook her head out of her thoughts and ran after Tommy, who was running into the spruce forest now.

Another arrow flew through the air, shooting Niki at the back of her leg. She hissed in pain, tripping and falling on the ground. Turning around, she saw Quackity, Schlatt, holding a torch out. It illuminated brighly.

And Tubbo too, who was holding the bow.

And I thought you were different.


This wasn't supposed to happen. Tubbo didn't want this to happen. Niki was just put under house arrest in her own bakery, nothing was alright. Must've jinxed it real badly last night. He sighed and buried his face in his hands. It had turned out to be the worst day.

Why did this have to happen..?

Manberg was fully decorated, the festival being on the 16th. Which was in 5 days. His mind was in a panic mode. What was he going to do? He had already lost one of his lives. Losing another one and dropping to one life? Not a chance.

He saw Niki busy baking, probably trying to pass the time. Tubbo stared and thought about what he had done. A crudely wrapped bandage was around her leg from the arrow he had shot. That was something he'd never try ever again. Something that he regretted a lot. He had betrayed himself too.

Quackity came up behind him, mumbling something in spanish before actually turning to him. "Are you doing okay from last night?" Tubbo nodded, still staring at the bakery.

"I think I'll be okay.. It's something I'll never do though," It was true. Hurting someone was his weakness, even if it was his enemy. Just the idea of hurting someone, Tubbo couldn't even think about it.

"You can take the day off if you want. Schlatt's been putting too much pressure on you for a kid your age," He nodded. He'd been having to stay up late at night to finish the paperwork his dad had dumped everyday on his desk. It was like the mountain never got shorter, "I can do it for you then."

Tubbo sighed and walked away after agreeing with Quackity.

Maybe I could use this opportunity to talk to Niki..?

She might be still mad.

I'll just walk around, then go talk to her after a while?

It was quiet, really quiet. It kind of bothered the Secretary, it was like someone was watching him. Paranoia took over him, looking over his shoulder every few minutes. It was supposed to be the festival soon. A fun one, but knowing Schlatt's plans he couldn't help but feel so worried. What would happen to Niki? Would they take all of her canon lives or just one of them?

What if Schlatt asked Tubbo to kill her?

He shook his head out of his thoughts and noticed he was in the spruce forest again.

A loud familar voice greeted him, "Hey ram," It was Tommy. He was clutching a sword in hand, but thankfully he put it back in its sheath when Tubbo turned around to see him. What was Tommy doing here again? Probably finding a way to get Niki out, she was part of Pogtopia and the original L'manberg before his dad took over.

"Er, what do you want?" If he had to be honest, Tommy was kind of intimidating due to his height. And how loud he could be when he started to talk. It always startled him. Even though he was loud, he could sneak up on you and could scare you to death.

Tommy crossed his arms and stared at Tubbo, making eye contact, "Who's side are you REALLY on, huh?"

Honestly.. I don't know what side I'm on.

He didn't really know what to say, "I.. I don't support my dad. That's for sure,"

He looked at the ground, then back at Tommy. Something caught his eye, something he was wearing on his sleeve.

A green bandanna.

It matched his red bandanna that he was also wearing on top of his suit.


Why do you have the same bandanna as him?

You feel so familar.

But I don't know why..

Are you..?

Could it be you? After all of these years.

No it couldn't be,


Why are you so familar to me?



Unexpected - Pogtopia AUWhere stories live. Discover now