13 - The Button

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where are the askers? more like where are the chapters-
i blame school :D
Mentions of abuse, nothing too detailed though!

i'm so sorry if i spam your notifications, my wattpad decided to be weird today.


"What is this room?!" Fundy looked around in horror, the lyrics of the L'manberg anthem scribbled on signs, and a single button on cobblestone. Everyone in the room was in shock, was Tommy really working on this?

"There's TNT behind the button, don't press it," The other three whipped around and looked at Wilbur.

Quackity spoke up first, "How do you know?"

The brunette guiltily rubbed the back of his head, hesitant to talk. But right now, everyone was waiting for him to respond to Quackity's question.

"I.. I built this room," Everyone stayed silent, staring at the former President of L'manberg.

Fundy blinked, "You what?!" Wilbur guiltily looked at his fox son, nodding slowly. The fox hybrid felt bubble inside of him, slowly clenching his fists as he kept on staring at Wilbur. He had built this room to blow L'manberg up? The entire goal of Pogtopia was to GET L'manberg back, "You built this country, just to blow the entire thing up?!"

"Wait, you don't understand-"

"Wilbur we all don't understand!" Quackity spoke up beside Fundy, he was also mad as well.

Sure, Schlatt had ruined the country's meaning and all of that, but he was also determined to bring it back to what it originally was once Schlatt had abused him and Tubbo long enough. Sure, Schlatt was his fiancé but he couldn't take the abuse that the ram had caused to him and his own son.

Quackity, Fundy and Wilbur all started to argue, which transitioned into yelling. Tubbo stood there, trying to get them to stop, but he kept being pushed aside as if he was nothing, "Let's not fight-" Again he was ignored, their shouts getting louder by the minute.

Someone suddenly grabbed the hybrid from behind and pulled him back, Tubbo turned around and saw the taller teen.

"You okay?" Tubbo nodded slightly, still startled by the action. He saw Tommy walk into the room to stop the arguing.

"I was removing the TNT, can you all calm down?!" Everyone turned to Tommy who was currently leaning on the wall near the entrance. He sighed, "Do you guys mind if I talk to Wilbur for a minute?"

Quackity nodded slowly, before leaving the crowded room. Fundy followed and Tubbo left with them. But he did hover close to the entrance, not able to help but be curious of what they were going to talk about.

Wilbur sighed in relief, "Thank you Toms. But what were you doing around here in the first place?!"

"I was removing the TNT," He simply answered, "Just to be safe?"

Something wasn't right, Wilbur knew. But he shook it off. He nodded and started to walk away from the room. The feeling of dread kept hanging over his head however, like something was going to go wrong.

Everything's fine! Snap out of it Wilbur.

When he came out of the small tunnel, a few upset and angry faces awaited him.

"D- Wilbur, you have a lot of explaining to do."

This was going to be a rough day for the former president.


Tubbo and Quackity were lingering outside of Pogtopia, Techno was out, probably grinding for gear again. And Tommy wasn't in the SMP. Which left Wilbur and Fundy in the ravine. There was quite a bit of tension between the two, you could sense it the second you stepped in the same room as them.

Of course, Wilbur wanted to try speaking to Fundy, but he kept on ignoring him. So he gave his son space, not wanting to upset him any further. He couldn't help but keep trying to speak to him. Finally after a few days of tension, one of them broke the silence.

"..What made you build that room?" Wilbur stopped fidgeting with the grains of sand in his inventory, sighing and turning towards the fox who was currently sitting on the stairs that lead out of Pogtopia.

"I.. It was after you 'betrayed' us, I still don't know why I built it in the first place," It was an honest answer. Fundy only nodded, still staring at his hat as if he was going to get answers from it. Finding out his own father was going to blow up his own nation? His home? He couldn't even imagine what would've happened if it did happen.

"Why didn't you tell us, Funds?"

"Because you always overlooked me Will!" Fundy stood up quickly, not being able to hold his anger back anymore, "Nothing I did was enough for you! You always praised Tommy and ignored me!"

The brunette nodded guiltily, "I know, and I acknowledged that after I snapped out of it Funds. You could probably call me the shittiest dad in the world, I deserve it," He laughed sadly, not realizing tears started to stream down his face. Yeah, he was a shit dad. Guess it somehow runs in the family. The best that he could do now was make up for that time he spent away from Fundy.

So much anger that was bottled up, not able to be released for far too long. But Fundy found himself crying into his dad's coat. There were quiet sobs throughout Pogtopia, and Quackity and Tubbo only watched from the stairs, not making a sound. They decided to give them space again. They'd been through so much stuff.

"I'm still surprised you can call me dad, after everything," Wilbur softly admitted to his surprise. The fox was surprised as well, but only hugged his dad tighter.

After a while, the other Pogtopians arrived to see Wilbur and Fundy sleeping beside each other again.


"Shut up, Techno."

"They look so peaceful.."

"We should be quiet."



I can't say much, but the outcome of this timeline is much better.

At least I still get engaged to SapNap, but I'm supposed to barely know Quackity at this point of time.

I had seen most of the Pogtopians at the button room, it was extremely loud.

The button was replaced again, but Wilbur hadn't placed it. So there still is a traitor. But I don't have much information to lead to a conclusion.

There's still a lot of unanswered questions.

Schlatt hasn't been out of his office, probably drinking every night, I assume. But I feel pity for him.

He has done bad things, but it looks so painful to have your fiancé and kid leave you at the same time.

I'm focused on one thing though.

Who is the traitor of Pogtopia?

-Karl Jacobs


Leave your guesses in the comments?

Word count: 1120

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