7 - Scars & A Past Life

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Procrastinated on this whoops- I'm planning on releasing another book on both AO3 and Wattpad
And yes Abuse is mentioned throughout this  chapter so I'd highly recommend waiting for the next chapter if you're sensitive ^^


After the sun rose, the two blondes headed back inside Pogtopia, only to find a book waiting outside of the entrance.

"Huh, guess your anonymous spy left you all another book."

Tommy shrugged and took the book out of the frame, "At least we have a spy. Better than nothing," Niki had to agree with that, they didn't really have anyone on their side anymore. And she couldn't be the spy, since Schlatt doesn't like her and Niki doesn't like him. But that's fine with her.

Niki settled on the bed while Tommy blocked the entrance off again. He sat beside Niki and opened the short book. A page fell out, which wasn't even glued to the spine of the book. A simple but shocking sentence was on it.

Schlatt physically and mentally abuses his Secretary of State and Vice President.

At that moment, the air grew thicker.

"That bitch,



A few days later.


"Schlatt! Quit it!" Quackity shoved Schlatt away from the younger ram, who had a glass shard impaled into his hand. His hands were shaking, blood pooling out. Tubbo clutched his hand with visible pain as Quackity and Schlatt argued. It wasn't going so well.

Schlatt pointed at Tubbo, and started yelling, "I am this ram's father, what gives you the fucking right to barge in here?"

"When you're abusing him! Schlatt, he's only 16! You think he's going to be able to handle this kind of work at that age?" Quackity ended it with a slap. Tubbo stood up and looked at his dad for a while before leaving with the Vice President. He winced as the pain came back to his hand, and tried to pick up his pace.


Quackity sighed as he got the first aid kit out, looking back at Tubbo who was slightly shaking, and his injured hand. Poor kid, just wanted to be with his dad.

"Tubbo come over here, I'll help you get that wrapped up," He laid out a small towel so the blood wouldn't stain the table, and put some gloves on.

Tubbo stuck out his hand onto the table and looked away trying to avoid the pain, "It's going to hurt a bit, keep looking away," He nodded and a sharp pain shot through the back of his hand. Tubbo hissed in pain and squeezed his eyes shut.

A few seconds passed and they were finished wrapping Tubbo's hand in bandages. The younger one sighed in relief and fell onto the couch nearby, not wanting to go back to his house. Hopefully Quackity wouldn't mind.

"So, are you alright now?"

Tubbo nodded, "Yeah, I'm okay now," his voice quieter.

"You can stay here for the night if you want," He nodded and rested on the couch for a while. He spaced out thinking about Niki. Where would she be now? Maybe she's somewhere safe now where Schlatt couldn't hurt or trap her anymore.

Unexpected - Pogtopia AUOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant