"How very attentive of you, Mey-Rin. Very good. I'm sure the Master and his guest-" Sebastian glanced out the window once more, seeing the boys still settled into the dining area of the garden "-will be very pleased. I'll be sure I give you fair credit."

"Oh, thank you Mister Sebastian! I know I'm not much of a maid, but I do try.... "

"Yes, yes you do." There was a long, uncomfortable pause while Mey-Rin stared at Sebastian, who returned the gaze after a moment, making her blush furiously. "Will that be all, Mey-Rin?"

"Y-yes! Yes... sorry... Yes. I'll be goin' to town soon, picking up the last of the party supplies Lady Elizabeth ordered..."

"Ah, yes. I'd nearly forgotten." He hadn't. He'd pushed it aside hoping everyone else had forgotten. "Why don't you be on your way. Take the others. I have work to do here, and I'll be sure to let the Master know of your attentiveness. I'll tend to our young Master and his guest." the word tasted like a greasy penny on his tongue. To think of Alois Trancy as a guest in the Phantomhive household seemed bitter and foul, along with the thought that that vile butler of his would be around at some point to collect him.

"Yes, right away! Thank you, Mister Sebastian!"

"Very good, Mey-rin." Sebastian turned back to the window as she left the room, latch clicking closed behind her. He could see them clearly now, both resting themselves on the bench nearest the middle of the garden. Isolated. Why was that foul child so bent on privacy with my Master? Very curious. Perhaps I'll serve afternoon tea early.... in the garden. He turned back to the task at hand, finishing the silverware before leaving the study to prepare his serving cart, secure in the knowledge that it would only be a scant few moments before his Master was back under his watchful eye.

Ciel sighed deeply as he laid his head back against the back of the bench, deep blue eye wandering the front of his manor, stopping a moment on the tall shadow in the window of his study. Sebastian was watching. He was always watching, always listening. Ciel knew that he had no secrets, no real secrets. None that he could keep from his butler in any case. He supposed none of that mattered, Trancy wouldn't know the difference between truth and lies, not when it came to a children's game, and he was an impatient, willful child. Ciel decided it was best just to give in and get it over with.

"If I agree to play, will you please stop whining and leave me alone? I still have more work to do and-" Alois sat up quickly, crisscrossing his legs, holding onto his own ankles, and bouncing his knees happily. Ciel smiled in spite of himself at the childish display.

"YES! Yes, yes, I promise! Just three questions each, I promise!" Rolling his mismatched eyes, Ciel chuckled softly, glancing up towards the window once more. The shadow was gone. Good, he thought. Sebastian had been keeping close tabs on him recently, not that he usually minded, but he'd begun to notice a feeling of possessiveness emanating from Sebastian and while it was true that Ciel was indeed Sebastian's possession, the idea still made him a little uneasy as the feeling grew stronger with the passing of each day.

"Fine, you go first then. Truth or dare?"

"Hmmm.... I.... pick...." Alois stood, staring up into the sky coyly, fingertip of his index finger tapping lightly against his cheek in feigned concentration. He looked down at his knees as he walked about in a lazy, haphazard circle, picking at the edge of his shorts as he hummed to himself, looking back up into the sky, obviously biding his time simply to exasperate his younger companion. "I think I'll choose...."

"CHOOSE ALREADY!" Ciel shouted, irritated by the wait. Patience not being one of the young Lord's virtues, this game was already growing dull, and in truth had not yet begun.

"Dare!" Trancy giggled, throwing himself back onto the bench beside Ciel, elbows on his knees, bottom lip caught between his teeth. "What do I do??"

"I dare you to go home." Ciel replied flatly, an all too serious expression on his face, and lack of expression in his visible eye. Alois' smile fell away for only a moment before he began the entire pout routine all over again, bound and determined to get his way.

"NO FAIR! Ciel... you can't-" Raising a hand, the bluenette cut him off, laughing softly at his own small deception.

"Ok fine... I dare you to sneak into the kitchen and bring us back something to drink. You know where it is, yes?" Alois quickly stood nodded, glancing back towards the manor door.

"Yes I know! I'll bring back snacks! Games are more fun with snacks..."

"Snacks, yes. Whatever you like, just don't get caught. Sebastian would-" Alois bolted off, giggling like a maniac the whole way. "-be very upset...." but he was only speaking to himself now, his companion well on his way. Ciel could hear his heels clicking quickly on the stone walkway, then the groan of the manor door opening slowly. Finally alone for a moment Ciel looked around, admiring the silver white roses he loved so much. He had to admit it was a nice day, and it did feel good to be in the outside air, even if the company wasn't by choice. A quick look back to the study window revealed it to be still empty, Sebastian having surely gone on to some of his more pressing duties. For a split second he felt completely alone and shivered, touching his eye patch before resting his thumbnail lightly against his lips. Sebastian didn't seem to approve of this meeting, and to be honest it was slightly suspicious. Trancy showing up out of the blue, so early in the day, alone? How did he even manage to get away from Claude? It's not as though Claude doesn't know where he is... they have a contract just like Sebastian and I... but why did he come alone anyway? Why wouldn't Claude have brought him? "Curious." he whispered aloud, lost in his thoughts as he waited for Trancy to return.

Children's Games (a Sebaciel Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now