"SHE'S WEARING A FUCKING COAT!" I yelled, trying to prove my statement. "Dude, I was just joking" Luke chuckled as he steps back from the monster that was me. I heard the door knob twist and open suddenly.

We both turn to the door to see Calum and Ashton coming in from an ongoing conversation. I saw Luke's eyes widen in fear as the two idiots entered the studio. "Dude I'm not even sure if we should go, we have to record in the stud-" Calum was cut off drastically when they both saw my angered expression

Ashton's expression changed from normal to his "oh shit i'm dead" face. "On second though, why not?" They both tried to scurry out of the room but I quickly stopped them. They stop and enter the recording studio, closing the door.

"So ...you found out what happened?" Ashton asked, clearly clueless as a dog. "FUCK YEAH I FOUND OUT," I was already yelling at them and they didn't get a pleasant hello back from their little adventures around L.A.

"Why didn't you guys just tell me?" I asked, trying to calm myself down. "Well I mean, we didn't want you to get fucking angry at us just like right now" Calum explained, waving his hands up in the air.

"I would've been less fucking angry if I didn't have to find out by fUCKING ARTICLE" I told him straight forward. I knew I had them frozen in that moment. "Look we're sorry, man! We didn't even put much attention to it!" Ashton tried to clean up the mess of anger and fear.

"We didn't even see her that well for fucks sake" Calum lied yet again to my face, almost getting as angry as I was. "oH FOR FUCKS SAKE I KNOW YOU DID! I KNOW THAT BLANK AWKWARD EXPRESSION ANYWHERE!" I literally hated everything and everyone in the moment.

"oh please" Calum muttered angrily under his breath. "You do make that same face when you see boobs" Ashton mentions, shrugging with a slight giggle. "That's what i was saying!" Luke randomly blurted out, high fiving Ashton.

"Shut up, Luke" I told him as he put his hands in the air and backed off. "Oh come on! Even if I was looking at her boobs, there wouldn't be much to look at! She doesn't have any for all I've seen!" Calum said, making the the rest of the guys silent in awe.

I simply gave him that same undesirable glare I had given Luke earlier before they had came into the recording studio.

"Why can't anyone take anything seriously when I'm pissed off?!" I had to ask. Every time I got angry about anything about Chrissy, they would never take it seriously. "Maybe it's because we still can't believe you can't get the fuck over someone you broke up with like months and months ago! Maybe that's why!" Luke yelled, trying to prove his point then and there.

"I'M OUT! FUCK THIS SHIT!" I yelled, enraged to the core. I kicked the chair and slammed the door on my way out of the building. I was extremely infuriated with my own band members.

Maybe it was like they never knew what it was like to fall in love with someone and then lose them. Maybe that was the reason all along. I honestly just needed some time to take my mind off all the bullshit. I hated fighting with the band, but it has occurred in certain moments.

It was raining in the city, causing my coat to get wet. I honestly didn't care at all. I thought of myself of someone who was strong and could move on from events like one of the worst breakups in the history of my life. My mother always told me it was part of being a Scorpio.

I had a "strong" personality with a passionate heart. The closest place I stopped by was a crowded bar that was oddly familiar but I wasn't able to lay a finger on it at the time. I rushed inside, sitting at one of the circular spinning chairs close to the bartender's position.

I sighed in distress. My life was just a mess. My heart was still freshly broken and there was nobody I could talk to that I knew was in the same position as I was. I didn't know what to do with myself anymore. I felt my eyes starting to burn, that same burning you would feel when you were able to cry.

I took my first shot of the night, savoring the bitter liquid and feeling it running smoothly down my throat, which was sore from yelling at the guys. I scratched the back of my head, about to take my second shot. After I drank the second shit of tequila, a mysterious girl sat two seats away from me.

I looked at her for a slight second, but my eyes my attentively all on her. She looked so familiar, but at the same time I couldn't lay a finger on her. Her eyeliner gave her a dramatic look in her beautiful eyes. Her little black dress showed off her pale legs. She was staring at her shot glass, holding a grasp to the glass. Her hair drastically covered her face. She slowly faced my direction as we both stared in awe.

I knew I recognized the beauty in her.

It was Chrissy.

She looked so different from the last time I had ever saw her in person. I definitely was able to see hurt in her eyes as her delicate soul faced me. Her eyes widened, making her look weaker than I had ever saw her before. We both didn't know what to say to each other. We were simply silent. I saw her eyes water as she suddenly rushed away from me, covering her eyes. "Chrissy! Wait!" I chased after her.

I wasn't going to let her get away from me this me. It was my final chance.


sup bitches im back

im v v sorry i havent updated this in centuriiiiies (horrible fob reference hehe, nobody catch it?no? ok ...)

but anyways im v v sorry!! school has been kicking me in the ass! i've bee trying to study my ass off to get a better grade in math since im fucking failing that class

and i've been stressed over my new chair position in band class bc my stupid af band teacher ugh (just read my last rant, it explains it all mkay)

pls read, vote and comment bc im thirsty for them comments (lol what grammar ok)

well ok bye !!


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