I never figured out what to order. "Uhm I'll just get what she's getting." I point to Addy. I presume she keeps things lowkey and healthy to maintain her tiny fasque, I trust she has good taste. The waiter flinched.

Five stacked waffles, with extra syrup, powdered sugar, berries, whipped cream, a milkshake, and bacon were plated in front of both me and Addy. Holy. How does she eat this much for one, and for two what the hell did I just get myself into ordering the same thing.

"I mean, I know you two are hungry. But shit, did I not expect to watch a feast unfold next to me this morning." Tate humorlessly added as we digged in.

The conversation dragged into our daily lives, passions, hobbies, and plans for the future. Tate was a lot more organization, education, and preparation prioritized than Addy.

She has this ambitious, badass female vibe. You know like 'smash the patriarchy' type of person. She is definitely easier to talk to than Adeline, though I can't say I am eager to join them again in the future.

I cam here to feel nothing, and God do they both feel so much.

Everything about Tate is well thought out, a strange combination with Addy but it was a reasonable dynamic nonetheless from what I could tell. Clever remarks were shot here and there. Typical talk of teens as Grams would describe it.

Our plates were cleaned for the most part, I only ate like 2 waffles and some bacon, yet Addy on the other hand had all five plates of hers cleaned of every crumb.

Addy's face has settled through her meal, almost contemplative. Soon enough she left to use the restroom, excusing herself.

Tate turns towards me once she is out of sight. "Sorry about how touchy she is. She ah- she just grew up different is all." Tates expression seems as if she is remancing on something not exactly pleasant.

"It's alright." I attempt t brush it off.

Tate then looks at me in all seriousness. "No, it really isn't. I can tell you're uncomfortable with it. You have ever right to let her know. Addy has a problem with boundaries, and- well she's learning is all."

"Here's the check when you're ready." A new, female waiter walks up to table setting down the check booklet satchel thing. Do those things even have names?

Tate slides it towards her. Opening it she doesn't even glance to the price before sliding her card into the pocket. "Oh, you don't have to do that. We can just split the bill." I respond to her try at paying for my meal. She really doesn't need to pay, I don't want to take charity donations.

"Nope, don't even worry about it. I really could care less. I'm just thankful, Addy has found someone as polite as yourself. I know she takes a lot of patience, and she has had such trouble making friends recently."

Something deep in my gut wrenches. Guilt? Obligation? Relatability?

"Hey guys!" Addy's voice carries towards us and stops the conversation there.

"Someone's trip did wonders I see." Tate playfully teases her. Her whole demeanor changed for the sake of Adeline.

Addy dismissively smacks Tate's shoulder "Psh, shut up T, anyhow I wanted to ask you something Dakota." Addy starts up again.

"Go ahead." I persist.

"Okay well, basically my friends, including Tate and Kit, are throwing I guess a 'party'." She puts the party part in air quotes with her fingers in the air.

"And?" I question when she pauses for a moment.

"I mean it's just really casual, just a get together with our friends since we have been separated for so long, and kind of not casual because well half the school is invited." Addy doesn't make eye contact as she nervously scrambles for the correct words.

My mouth is slightly gaped open unintentionally. "I mean you don't have to go but, I don't know Obviously Tate and I like you, and I'm sure Kit just needs some more time with you. So I just thought since were all practically friends now, that I wanted to introduce you to my actual friends group if that isn't too much." Addy cleared up.

"Tonight, starting at 11 pm, hope to see you there." Tate grins getting up.

I think I'm practically shaking in slight reluctance as we all stand up now walking towards the Cafe exit. I feel the swell in my throat while I complicate my delima. One; a party is begging for an anxiety attack, two; something about Adeline has my heart in a chokehold. She feels like there is something I need to know, like I'm meant to know it even. "I'd love to, and again thank you for this." Did that really come out of my mouth, shit. My lips are moving way too quick for my brain to keep up with.

I have a feeling in my chest as I walk back to my room.

Like this night will change something...major.


Author's Note:

Not Edited

Sorry this is kind of a filler chapter.

Thoughts on Tate.

Please give feedback, and vote if you enjoyed.

Much love, Kaydence Reyes

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