44- The Third Task

Start from the beginning

"I'be also heard, from some Ravenclaw girls that you two went to Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop. As we all know that is the place ALL couples go to." Roger informed the group.

"So are you two- no, no. Since when have you two been dating? And why have we not been informed about this?!" Diggory said exciting.

"Well..." Aurora began.


Adrian went on. "...it is primarily..."

"...just snogging...for the time being..."

"We have a few....problems"

"...on our hands"

"Like, like what?" You all inquired, which caused them to sigh.

"I'm halfblood and a Hufflepuff, which has caused problems not only in Quidditch as well as in his family."

"See, my parents are purebloods, and they don't consider anyone who isn't pureblood... worthy. So, as much as I want to, I can't just present Aurora to them. And, well...Montague is giving Rora a hard time because you know we're rivals."

"But he's also still upset about him being friends with (y/n). He threatens to remove him as Chaser for the upcoming Quidditch season."

"So, we didn't tell you anything because, technically, we're not dating."

"Plus, we don't want any of the rumors flying around yet. Not until we know it's okay for us to, you know..date."

A silent fell before the whole five of you. You all saw how they both wanted to be together but due to family views and rivalry, it was not possible. However, a light seem to come out of this situation, as Cedric stated that they should go out and that they, you, Roger and he, would keep anyone off their scent. And after much debate it was settled that they would.

"Roger, hand the galleons over." Cedric stuck out his hand. "I bet they would go out."

"Actually Diggory, I bet that they would go out before their sixth year ended. You bet they would go out during the break leading to our seventh year. So, hand the galleons over."

"You bet on us?" Adrian said, giving you three a "seriously" look.

"Hey. I know you all have a bet for me and George. It's not fair that I can't make a bet out of you two." A small silent moment came but was then broke by all four of them.


"Yeah, she has a point."


"I'm just trying to make some money."

"Well, we should be going to bed now. Diggory has a big day tomorrow." Aurora announced. You all agreed to go to your separate sides of the fort and sleep. Because a few windows were open while you slept, a sudden rush of cold air was felt around the common room. You exited the fort to get a blanket or sweater to keep yourself warm.

As you were leaving, you noticed Adrian and Aurora had gotten closer, and we were almost cuddling. When you turned to face Diggory and Davies, you noticed that they were huddled together, separated only by a pillow.

As you exited the fort, you noticed the fire flaring weakly due to the strong wind. The twins and Lee, who were all fast asleep, were not far from the fire. Lee curled up on one of the couches, while the twins slept sensibly on the floor. They were all holding papers, indicating that they were filling out orders.

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