Hoshi was shaking his legs making Sungbin giggles. But not long, Sungbin started to squirm around. Hoshi tighten his grip as he don't want Sungbin fall down.

"What do you want little one?" Hoshi said with a soft tones.


Hoshi stand up and carrying him in his arms "I'll bring him to walk around the place. You enjoy your food."

I nodded as I continue ate my food. Hoshi had carry him out from the restaurant.

After about 5 minutes they came back.

Sungbin ran to me with a box of Stawberry Grain Friends. (a baby snack in korea)

He climbed up on Hoshi's seat and show me the box.

I took it and take a look "Wah~ Who buy it for you?"

Hoshi came and sat beside Sungbin.

"Hosee oppa!" He answered with a big smile on his face.

"Did you said thank you?" I gave the box back to him.

"Yes!!" He said with excited tone.

I looked at Hoshi, while he's caressing Sungbin's hair.

"Thank you~ I'll pay you back." I said to Hoshi.

"I don't want money" He replied while looking at me.

"Huh?" I finished my food.

"I want a kiss." He whispered.

I hit his arms playfully "Yah!"

Then Sungbin shake my arms "Mummy can you open this?" He give me the box.

"Okay~" I open it and too the pack of snack out, and tear the plastic away.

"Here you go." I hand him the pack.

Then Yoongi and his business partner came towards us.

"Baby I'll call you after I done the meeting okay? Just inform me if you go anywhere." Yoongi came to my ear and whispered.

"Alright see you, good luck!" I pecked his cheek.

"Be careful honey." He pecked my cheek.

I waved Sungbin's hands to Yeonjun and his business partner as Hoshi did the same.

"Where do you want to go?" I asked.

"Let's go Niagara Falls." Hoshi answered while checking his phone.

"Alright." I clean my hands with wet tissue and keep Sungbin's water bottle into the tote bag.

"Sungbin let's go, we'll ate this went we go back." I lent out my hand wanted to take a pack of snack away.

He put on my hands as I put it back into the box and keep in in the tote bag,

I clean his hands with the wet tissue. I stood up and Hoshi help me to carry my sling bag.

Yoongi had pay for the restaurant last night when he booked the table, so I just thanked the staff and walked out from the restaurant.

I called our driver as he came.

Time skip: 12:00pm
Location: Niagara Fall

I was looking at view, Sungbin was looking at the waterfall with amazed expressions.

I took out my phone and take a picture of Sungbin and send it to Yoongi.

Then I kept my phone. Hoshi stand beside me and stares at me.

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