Week 3: Museum & Memories

Start from the beginning

"Babe, you have a fan." I whisper into her ear and nod over in the general direction. She looks over and I smile at the fans reaction to Lizzie looking at her. I step back and let Lizzie approach the girl. I hang back and smile at the interaction. The fan looks like she's going to pass out. Lizzie asks if she wants a picture or anything and the fan nods excitedly.

"Babe, can you?" She motions to the phone in the girls hand. I smile and nod taking the phone from her hand and tell them to say cheese. I hand the phone back and smile as Lizzie makes conversation about Wandavision and how it won a bunch of awards.

"I love you so much, oh my god." The fan rambles out and I smile, honestly me.

"Well, I love you! Thank you so much. I'm going to go enjoy the art with my girlfriend now, but I hope you have a good day!" Lizzie sweetly says and the fan smiles even wider and turns her attention towards me. I'm awkwardly looking at a painting nearby not wanting to intrude on her moment. I peek over and notice the fan is watching as Lizzie comes back over to me. I wink and she snaps out of it realizing I caught her staring. I laugh and offer a smile before getting pulled to the next room by Lizzie.

"Well that's a first. That girl is about to pass out. You're too powerful." I tease and she rolls her eyes with a small smile on her face.

"I love little interactions like that. Where it's genuine and they aren't shouting at me for a photo or autograph. She seemed to think you were pretty cute too." She teases and I look at her in confusion.

"Uh, are you crazy? I'm sure she was just excited to see us together." I conclude instead.

"She was eyeing you, why do you think I pulled you away?" I quirk an eyebrow and look down at her. She's biting her lip and avoiding my eyes.

"I don't think so, but are you jealous?" I tease and she huffs.

"No. But you're mine." She states clearly and my stomach fills with butterflies.

"Ooh, possessive. You know you're going to have to share me with your world eventually." I point out.

"I like having you all to myself though. I'm surprised you are only getting pictured when we are together." She ponders out loud.

"Babe, I haven't been alone in public without you since we were on Fallon." I remind her and she hums in thought.

"I guess you're right." She stops and observes a painting, but my eyes don't leave her side profile. She perks up seeming to remember something. "I saw the picture of you throwing up a peace sign outside our apartment. You're cute. With how you treat paparazzi you should be prepared to get your picture taken even when I'm not here." She explains and I blush, its fun in the moment to be goofy with the cameras, but I forget the pictures actually end up on the internet.

"Remember after Fallon the first time and I was so confused about the flashes. I swear I lost my eyesight for a minute. I don't get how you deal with all the flashes on red carpets and things." I scrunch my eyebrows in thought.

She shrugs, "You get used to it. Remember when you were pissed about that guy sitting on your bench and you had this idea that he was the one taking pictures?" she teases.

"Okay, but that's my bench and he has the audacity to take pictures of us on it. What the heck is that about?" I grumble, my irritation returning.

"We haven't been back to your bench in a long time, we've had so many other things to do." She notes and I hum in thought. I guess she's right.

"We should go today, after we are done here." I decide and she squeezes my hand in agreement. We continue our wander through the enormous building. We naturally wander to the exit once we have had our fill and I lead her into Central Park. I swing our hands between us and playfully twirl her around which makes her giggle cutely. I pull her close and wrap my arm around her shoulder. She grabs onto my shirt and leans in close to me as well continue our journey to my bench. I'm ready to sit, we've been on our feet for hours. I smile as it comes into view and take off, running to make sure we get it.

I sit down and smile at Lizzie as she approaches. She smirks, a mischievous look in her eyes and sits on the other end of the bench. I look at her confused. "Excuse me?" She says softly and I tilt my head in confusion. She repeats, "Excuse me?" Oh, I see what she's doing.

"Sorry, I was off in my own world, do you need directions?" I smirk. I take her sunglasses that are sitting on top of her head and settle them on her face.

"I noticed you were thinking deeply and wanted to check on you." She continues and I laugh trying to keep in character.

"Checking on a stranger?" The events of our first meeting flash in my mind and butterflies fill my stomach.

"There is such a thing as kindness in this crazy world you know." she smirks and I gasp. Damn she's good. This isn't fair, she's a literal actress. That was way to close to how it actually went down.

"Thank you for asking..." I tease, my eyes searching her face, a smile planted on my own.

"Elizabeth. Nice to meet you...?" I smile at the name change.

"Y/N, it's a pleasure Elizabeth, pretty name for a pretty girl." I flirt.

"That's not how it went!" She finally breaks character and slides closer to me.

"I don't care I broke character one line in." I wrap my arm around her shoulders forcing her to snuggle into my side. "We've come a long way since then, huh?"

"A very long way. I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. This has been one of the most amazing few months of my life." She sighs in happiness and takes her sunglasses off. She looks up at me, her eyes soft and sparkly, a small smile on her lips. I grin back at her and lean down to connect our lips. Her hand rests on my cheek keeping me close as we share a sweet kiss. I plant a couple slow pecks on her lips before shifting back a little.

"You've completely changed my life Elizabeth Chase, I love you with everything I have. I can't wait for our future together, no matter what happens." I whisper into the space between us. Her eyes get glassy and she leans back in to kiss me again. I'm a little surprised by the passion behind it but kiss back with he same emotion, pulling her closer. When she pulls away she rubs her lips together and rests her forehead on mine.

"I love you too, Y/N. More than I ever planned to, but I wouldn't have it any other way." She whispers back and I sigh, pulling her into a hug. We sit back into my bench and watch people live their lives in Central Park. This spot will forever be special to me and I thank whatever higher power there is that brought Lizzie to me.
A/N Week 3 is complete, 2 more weeks before Lizzie leaves! I hope you enjoy the little call back to the beginning of the book, I was smiling while writing it. I can't believe we are here, 57 parts in and there's over 9k views. How the heck did we end up here. Thank you so much for all your support y'all. I really appreciate.

I will probably do a reread and edit little typos here and there at some point. Probably before Book 2 is posted. So eventually this thing will be edited.

A New York City Dream ~ Elizabeth OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now