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"Please eat."

Your eyes flick up to the man kneeling before you. You grimace, teeth bared in disgust.

"If you don't eat this time then Ivar is going to replace me with Kwame and I don't think you'll like that very much. Just please eat," Sai holds the spoon of oatmeal up to your mouth again.

Your stomach roils at the thought of the silent giant with his peculiar shell necklace manhandling food down your throat. You close your eyes for a moment, trying to ignore the hollow ache in your chest. Once you open your eyes you internally flinch at the sadness you see in the depths of Sai's dark eyes.

You open your mouth to accept the spoon, tamping down the sudden wave of irritation at having to be spoon fed. They had released your ankles and wrists earlier but the second you could move you lashed out, fist connecting with Ivar's jaw. Needless to say, your binds went back on and you've been like that since. It's been somewhat humiliating having to have assistance to do anything but the busted lip and bruising on Ivar's jaw shines like a trophy for you.

The oatmeal is cold, congealed, and tasteless. You chew it for a second, a small smile spreading on Sai's face, before you promptly spit it out. The oatmeal and strings of spit splatter wetly across his face. "Fuck you, traitor," you hiss. "We trusted you!"

Sai works his jaw for a moment, clearly fighting some internal battle. He looks down at the bowl in his hands, his eyes following it as he sets it on the floor beside him. A momentary pause, like he's collecting himself, then he looks up at you.

"You don't know what I've been through," his voice breaks, barely a whisper in the air. He slowly slides the back of his hand across his cheek, wiping away the oatmeal and spit.

"How are you okay with this? How are you okay with what he's doing?" You plead for answers.

Sai's face goes stoney. "How can you deny that you are Sinda? I've seen your mark, I've read the prophecy... I know what it represents," the last part said with a sublet hint of fear.

"I never denied being Sinda but I think there is more to it than what Ivar thinks there is. The mark...," you stop yourself from saying anything more. They must not know about the other marks... would they try to hurt everyone else if they knew? Do I risk it? "Sai, I'm not a monster. I'm not all-powerful. Ivar said it himself, I'm weak."

He takes in a sharp breath, shaking his head slightly. "You can't deny the mark. Power or not, you can't deny what we can all see with our own eyes."

"But how do you know this is even the mark of prophecy?" You shift on the couch a little, trying to relieve some of the tension from the bonds.

"What else would it be?" He looks at you sharply, his alien-like features taking on an inquisitive cast with one eyebrow slightly raised. You open your mouth only to shut it again because you can't explain it, not without revealing more than you want to. You hang your head, tears threatening your eyes. "Exactly," he states.

"Sai, please..." you're not entirely sure what you're begging for.

"Look, if you just cooperate you might make it out of this alive. We have no intention of killing you," he pitches his voice low, his eyes darting to the door leading out of the room. "We just need to make it through the ritual and then I'll do what I can to get you out of here."

"Ritual? Wait, Sai, what are you talking about?" You can feel panic rising in your chest.

He hushes you, picking up the bowl again. "Please, eat." He holds the spoon out again.

"Tell me."

"Eat, then I'll tell you." You purse your lips but then relent, opening your mouth to receive a spoonful of the food. As you slowly chew Sai waits, probably trying to see whether or not you're going to play nice. After you swallow the first bite and take the second he begins again, "when Ivar was in Hong Kong he was meeting with a warlock who claims to know a spell that can transfer power between people. Ivar has the intention of transferring your power to him."

Souls of Seoul: Blood Bond | OT7 (🚧under construction)Where stories live. Discover now