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Claire all but yells your name, her voice rattles you. "Please tell me you got at least one of their numbers?"

You pull yourself together and begin to gather the glasses from the table. "Actually, they all have mine." You smile slightly to yourself.

"Wait. ALL? Like, all seven of them?" Claire throws her hands up in the air, "what the actual hell! Leo seems smitten, I couldn't believe he actually shut down the sidebar and had me and Niko hammering out all the drinks." She cuts her eyes at you, you feel a little hurt by her clearly irritated tone.

"Sorry, Claire, I really had no idea any of that would happen." You look up meeting her eyes apologetically.

"Oh, I know. I'm just a little jealous is all. You got to have all the fun," she pouts. She begins to help you clear the tables.

You both move to the main bar and begin to clear down. Niko seems to be in a brooding mood.

"Niko, you okay?" You ask.

"Hmm? Oh, yeah, just tired," he replies not looking up from making notes on the clipboard for the main bar.

You get the feeling it's more than him just being tired but you decide to not push the matter. Leo comes out from the backroom, grinning from ear to ear.

He looks at you and his grin surprisingly gets even bigger. "Well, you've done it!" He beams.

You give him a questioning look and he chuckles.

"You impressed them. I just got an email from Mojen and he said the Bangtan Group is interested in purchasing the Grande, which would include the lounge. They're offering big money and would still allow me to run this place and Mojen to keep his place running the Grande. They're essentially just looking for an investment and this is it!" He almost dances with glee. "Oh, goodness, I could kiss you right now." You take a step back, a look of panic spreading on your face. "Don't worry, I'm not actually going to do that." He laughs a belly laugh. "As a reward, I'm going to give you a few extra days off work, how does that sound? Along with a bonus, for all of you," he looks around to include Claire and Niko in his words. Leo slips back to the storeroom and you take a deep breath.

"Wow," Niko smirks sarcastically, "way to go."

"Don't listen to him. Niko is just jealous. You really did do us all a favor, that bonus will be nice toward being able to afford the car I've been saving up for. Niko should really be more appreciative," she throws him a look like daggers. Niko throws his hands up in defense and gives you an apologetic look.

Once everything is cleaned and cleared down, you step into the back room and see Niko and Claire talking in hushed voices by the lockers. You clear your throat, not wanting to be rude and eavesdrop. Niko steps back from Claire and fumbles with the door to his locker.

"Hey, umm, thanks again," Claire smiles a nervous smile at you, glancing quickly at Niko before grabbing her things from her locker.

You shake your head. Whatever is going on between them, I'd rather not know about it. You grab your things out of your locker, pull your jacket from the hook and slip it on. Tucking your wallet into one pocket you tap the screen to your phone and it lights up. You see you have three messages from unknown numbers.

Unknown1: Hey, this is Jungkook, save my number. Don't forget I'll be at Mama Keeko's at 7 tomorrow to pick you up.

Unknown2: Please be safe on your way home, the city streets can be dangerous.

Unknown3: This is Namjoon. I appreciate your charm and grace as you catered to my unruly bunch tonight. Looking forward to enjoying your company again.

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