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You roll over and reach for your phone. It's already after noon and you have a message from another unknown number.

Unknown: Hello, it's Jimin. I'm looking forward to tonight, I suggest wearing something elegant...nice. But it's not required. We just really like to go all out when we have guests.

You were feeling quite refreshed but now a knot of uncertainty forms in the pit of your belly. Elegant? Like ballgown? Cocktail dress? Do I need to buy a crown? You blow out your cheeks thinking about the different dresses you had in your closet. You'd never really picked anything up that you'd consider super elegant. Claire! You grab your phone and quickly pull up Claire's name.

You: I need help!

Claire: What's up, sweets?

You: I need a dress...something nice, something elegant. Can you help?

Claire: I'll be over in an hour! YAY

You roll out of bed and decide to grab a quick shower and clean up a bit before Claire comes over. In the shower, you decide to give everything a generous shave. You never know, right? Yeah... don't kid yourself.

As you finish up in the bathroom, pulling on an oversized t-shirt and sweats you hear your phone buzz on your bedside table.

Claire: I'm outside!

You unlock the door to your apartment and hurry down the stairs to unlock the back door. Mama Keeko's shop was closed on the weekends so you weren't worried about running into anyone. You open the door and Claire steps in, her arms full of plastic garment bags.

"Oh, man, I'm excited! You know I love this kind of stuff," she begins to walk up the stairs. "What's this for anyway?"

"Well, actually, I'm going to dinner with those guys from last night," you say as you shut the door behind Claire.

She shoots you a glance over her shoulder before pushing open the door to your apartment.

"Okay, details!" She demands as you enter behind her and close the door.

You knew this was coming. "Before they left last night they asked if I would come to dinner tonight. They apparently are just looking for a friend." You shrug not meeting Claire's eye.

"Friend? Friend? That's all they want?" She emphasizes the all, laughing.

"Claire, please, you know me." You rub the back of your neck and smile at her. "Not really my schtick, remember?"

Claire rolls her eyes in a playful manner, "Oh, all too well, still don't get it but it's your choice."

It really wasn't your choice, not as much as she thought it was. Maybe at first, but the older you got the more it just became an embarrassment that made you too insecure to even try anymore. Who would want to endure that potential train wreck?

"Let's see what you've brought to torture me," you laugh and reach for the garment bags. She hands you a few and follows you into your bedroom. You both lay the bags out on your bed and she begins to unzip them.

She gestures to you, up and down. "Come on, let's see what we're working with."

"What?" You ask.

"Take it off, let me see your body," she replies with a smirk.

"Umm..Claire...I..." you stammer.

"Oh please, don't act embarrassed now, you have nothing I haven't seen before. I need to see what body type you have to decide what might work best."

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