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Unfortunately when Leo said you could take a few extra days off he didn't mean consecutively. He's granting you the rest of the weekend but wants you back in Monday night. He says you can have an extra day off each week for the next month. You suppose that's better than nothing and decide to just make the best of it. You'll worry about work tomorrow, for now you'll focus on today.

You click out of your text with Leo and scroll down to your text exchange with Yoongi. You're not sure how to even say hello, should you say 'Good Morning'? Though, it's not technically morning still since you slept in till after noon.

You: Is it acceptable to have breakfast at 12:34 in the afternoon?

Yoongi: Perfectly acceptable. What time do you think you'll be done and ready today?

You: Umm...give me 2 hours?

Yoongi: Granted. Hobi will be by to pick you up at 2:30.

You: To do what exactly?

Yoongi: That's a surprise.

You frown at your phone, you didn't much care for surprises but you're filled with nervous excitement over this one. You toss back the blankets slipping out of bed and make your way to the kitchen. A quick breakfast might help ease your nerves. You pop a piece of bread in the toaster and turn the knob on your stove to light a front burner. Minutes later you're enjoying toast with an over-easy egg and avocado. You don't care what the social stigma is behind avocado toast, it's delicious.

Finished with breakfast you take an equally quicker shower. As you stand in your closet, towel wrapped around you, you suddenly realize you're not sure how you should dress for todays activities.

You: Since you won't tell me what we're doing, will you at least tell me if I need to wear anything specific?

Yoongi: Just be comfortable.

Comfortable? Easy for him to say. You do find yourself unbelievably comfortable around them but at the same time self-infuriatingly awkward. You decide on a nice pair of dark wash skinny jeans and a long-sleeve emerald knit blouse. It isn't super warm out but neither is it cold, you think you should be comfortable in this and be able to forgo a jacket. You check the time, it's 2pm. You finish getting ready, combing out your hair, letting it hang straight and applying a little tinted sunscreen and chapstick. By the time you're done you hear your phone buzz.

Hobi: Sorry I'm a little early, but I'm out front. Take your time.

You: Be down shortly.

You sit on the couch to pull on a pair of suede black ankle boots. There was a slight heel on them but it wasn't enough that you'd be uncomfortable walking around in them for several hours if it came to that. You slip your phone into your back pocket and your small leather wallet into the other, thankful you had thought to change everything back over to our wallet from the black clutch you used last night.

You shuffle out the door, down the steps, and through the back of the seamstress shop. You eye the wedding gown Mama Keeko had been working on Friday. It's pinned up on a dress form mannequin, you take a moment to admire the beautiful cream roses before stepping outside into the alley. The door clicks closed behind you and you set off. Hobi has all the windows down on the black sedan he's driving, even the sunroof is open. You hear a basey pop song thumping from the sound system.

As you approach the car he's all smiles and bopping his head to the beat. You open the passenger door and slide into the seat. He continues to bop his head, jutting his chin out back and forth with his lips slightly puckered. You can't help but laugh and he joins you.

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