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You're awake before Yoongi. You spend a few minutes admiring his serene features still held by sleep. Watch the gentle rise and fall of his chest as he breathes, wishing so badly you could just stay in bed with him all day.

But, duty calls and so does the bathroom. You kiss his cheek before slipping out of his arms and standing to pull on your discarded clothes.

"Leaving me?" He peeks out from under the blanket at you.

"It's going to be a busy day, can't just laze about," you laugh. "I'm just going to grab a shower and some breakfast. I'm feeling a lot better today, my ribs aren't even bruised anymore... though, I can't say the same for my neck," you finger a fairly tender purple mark left by Yoongi.

He gives you a sheepish grin, "Sorry... I guess I got carried away."

You kneel on the bed, pressing a quick kiss to his lips. "I don't mind." You admit before standing back up and making your way into the hall, you turn and call back to him, "Don't stay in bed all day."

"Good morning!" Hobi calls to you from the top of the stairs noticing you walk into the hall.

You flutter your fingers in a wave before disappearing into your room.

You hurry through a shower. Standing in front of the bathroom mirror you run your hands over your ribs, not even so much as a glimmer of discoloration remains. You give them an experimental prod, no pain. The only thing left of the tentoria encounter is your memories.

You had a few troubled dreams last night, but every time you jolted awake Yoongi was there to pull you back to reality. His strong, spindly arms were like bands of comfort soothing you back to sleep. 

Dressed in a pair of jeans and a baggy t-shirt you start to dig through the bags on the floor. Making quick work of the few things they brought from your apartment, stacking clothes in drawers of the dresser, and putting a few photo frames on the top. You'd have to ask about getting the rest of your things later.

You know you shouldn't be so at peace with the recent changes in your life. After all, you had just had a lot of changes when you moved to Seoul to begin with. Maybe that was why these changes didn't seem so out of place, you hadn't really found your grove in Seoul yet before all this happened. Now you were being given an opportunity to belong, a real purpose. That is why you moved to Seoul in the first place, trying to find some sort of purpose in your life. I guess it was fate. 

Finished in your room, you make your way downstairs to the kitchen. Sitting at the breakfast table, Namjoon is sipping a cup of steaming coffee while reading a newspaper. "What's troubling the world today?" You ask opening the pantry to retrieve some bread for toast.

"Nothing too extreme, a few scandalous business affairs and global warming on the rise, a typical Tuesday by normal standards," he takes a moment to sip his coffee. "How do you feel today?"

You pop two pieces of bread in the toaster, "I feel better than ever, not even a little bit of a bruise remains. I guess saengmyeong really does live up to its name."

"Told you it works wonders," Jungkook enters from the main hall rubbing sleep from his eyes. He walks up behind you peaking over your shoulder as your toast pops up. "Making breakfast for me?"

"Ha, I could make you some toast if you want," you eye him over your shoulder.

He raises an eyebrow, you see he's now staring at the side of your neck. "Did someone have some fun last night?"

You swat his shoulder, your cheeks flushing. "Wouldn't you like to know?"

"Maybe I would," he winks, flashing you a cheeky grin before he turns to open the fridge.

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