"So, went well?" I asked anxiously, keeping my voice low.

He laughed, "Bro, it was amazing. Liss knew exactly what she wanted and only test drove three cars. This was the first one and she went back to it after trying the other two then paid cash." We finished putting the last pieces in the trunk and Jesse shut the lid, "She even haggled the price down and saved over two grand off what I thought she could possibly save."

I raised my eyebrows and whistled, impressed at her decisiveness. Jesse chuckled, "It was pretty great. Liss knows what she wants and has no problem getting it." He gave me a long look before continuing, "I'm glad you two talked last night. Seemed like a weight was off her shoulders today."

Dad leaned out the passenger side door, shouting, "Come on, guys! Let's eat!"

After jogging to the passenger side of Lissy's car I opened the door and hopped in, thanking Benji a minute for switching to the back seat.

Alice was in a white t shirt and jean shorts, her hair back in a ponytail similar to the previous night.  I had to watch my feet thanks to her bag and a light weight flannel shirt she had on the floor but made a mental note to check my flannels and hoodies for any she might like.  She smiled before putting the car in reverse, "So, you need to tell me how to get there..."

The drive was less than fifteen minutes through residential streets and small town roads.  Daisy and I pointed out the baseball field and dog park as well as high school on our way downtown. She soaked up all the information, picking up on directions quickly and pointing out landmarks she had only seen a couple times. 

We parked in a lot designated for the entire downtown district just moments ahead of Jesse, stretching our legs and getting Benji's crutches out right before they arrived. Once he was parked, Benji helped me put the wheelchair together within minutes. I realized he had the same method for this process as I did, grabbing the wheel first and propping it against the bumper of the car before taking out the body of the chair.

Is this another one of those weird telekinetic brother things??

"What?" Benji asked, narrowing his eyes at me as I stared.

I caught myself, laughing self consciously, "Sorry. Just realized you do the same thing I do."

"Well, yeah," he shrugged, taking the next piece to attach before the arm was adjusted to the proper height, "You taught me. Of course I do the same thing you do."

His words rattled in my head while we finished up, and even as I walked hand in hand with Lissy down the streets I felt distracted.

I taught him something without even realizing it... what else am I teaching Benji without paying attention?

"Oohhh! Maybe we could do breakfast?" Daisy commented as we walked by a diner and paused.

I heard Alice's stomach growl and laughed, tugging her closer and kissing the top of her head. My eyes instinctively flicked to Benji now that I was hyper aware of how he was paying attention to my actions.

He was watching us... but he was smiling warmly.

"I'm thinking waffles... maybe bacon?" I nudged Alice, pointing toward the menu posted in the entryway.

She sighed, "That sounds like heaven, but I have to go with Eggs Benedict this time."

Daisy gasped, "You basic bitch!"

Lissy laughed, nodding at the accusation, "It's true, Daisy. I am quite the basic bitch. If they had bottomless mimosas I would order that as well."

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