Epilogue - FINALE

Start from the beginning

Juri glances at Haru, then to Jiwoo before meeting Yongsun's eyes with a knowing look.

That look only means one thing. They are seeing the same vision.


Walking hand in hand, Taehyung hums to himself as they stroll along the Han River, the mid-winter sunset beaming splash of colours into the sky. He looks up to admire the hues of deep red, orange and blue above him, grinning to himself as he tugs Haru closer to his side.

"I want to do this with you for the rest of my life"

"I will kill you if you want to do this with another person anyway"

Taehyung finally turns to look at her, admiring her side features as she too looks up into the late evening sky, her eyes adoring the magnificent painting above her. They really love taking walks together, sometimes they talk sometimes they just embrace each other's presence in comfortable silence.

"Oh, by the way, Jungkook asked Hani out", Taehyung laughs as he remembers how Jungkook was completely head over heels over Hani and did not stop talking about her after coming home from the dinner two weeks ago. "I must say he really likes her too. He ordered a lot of cakes over the span of 5 days"

"Hani is a sweet girl. I would have fallen head over heels over her too"

"You should see Jungkook's face when Hani agreed to catch a movie with him last night. That kid was all over the clouds, searching for the perfect fit to wear today and he even went out last night to find something to give her"

The thought of Jungkook being completely elated about Hani makes her laugh to herself. She had seen the look in Hani's eyes when she first saw Jungkook and she looked completely smitten but she said nothing of it. Hani had glance at Jungkook a few times, but she was a little too shy that night to start a conversation with him. Well, Jungkook too. They thought they were not obvious but throughout the night, Haru saw them stealing glances at each other but the two of them were too reserved.

"Hey", Taehyung stands in front of her, his sharp eyes softly gazing at her. "Remember the day we met at the bar?"

"You mean the day you were checking me out?", she smirks teasingly. "I do"

"The day you were checking me out too"

"Geez, let me win", she pokes his waist playfully.

"I have been thinking...", he reaches for her hands, idly playing her fingers as he looks down into her eyes.


"I have been thinking about us"

Taehyung gulps nervously when Haru looks at him confusedly but her eyes stay soft as ever, looking at him so lovingly. It is a wonder he has yet to melt into a puddle of water or evaporate into the cold air with the intensity of her love beaming out of her eyes. He is just so weak when it comes to her. So weak that he can never even let himself get angry with her for more than a minute, caving in almost immediately whenever they banter.

Not that he has not been enjoying their frequent quarrel over the years. He enjoys them perhaps a little too much. Most of the time he ends up staring at her, smiling sheepishly to himself as he listens to her nagging at him and of course, 90% of the time he ends up silencing her with a kiss. It works, most of the time. The other 10% will end up him running for his life because Haru can get a little scary when she is mad. A cute kind of scary.

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