I screamed and hide my face in his chest. He laughed so hard.

"Soonyoung!! You lie to me!!" I hit him.

He was laughing but patting my back. I looked back and continue watching.

After 30 minutes.

I was patting my chest, finally the movie was finish.

I lie my head on his chest and starring at the screen.

"Do you want to watch other movies?" He asked.

"Sure,but don't watch horror movies."

"You'll choose the movie, I'll go grab some drink."

I sat beside him as he stand up and walked to the fridge.

"I only found some beer, do you want it?" He asked.

"Its okay!" I clicked a movie.

" '365 days' huh? You sure you wanna watch that?"

"Why not? I heard its interesting."

"You never watch it before?"

"Yeah, is it weird?" I look at him.

He didn't reply me but back to the couch and sat down.

He's still topless but with a cotton short.

"Let's watch it." He take a deep breath.

I pressed start as I climb back to his lap.

I lool at the time, 8:35pm. I guess a movie won't be too long. Then I opened my beer and take a sip, and put in on the table beside the couch.

He was touching my laps. His hands was warm, which makes me feels comfortable.

"Do you feel nervous?" I asked because he started to draw circle on my lap.

"Huh? N-No, why?" He look away.

"Because you're drawing circles on my lap"

"Just for fun, o-okay?"

"Alright." I continue watching.

After about a few quarter

Great job. Now I know why Hoshi ask me do I really wanted to watch this movie.

It's a 18+ movie. I look at Hoshi.


OMG I never saw his face this red.

He was faceplaming.

"U-Uh-Uh I...."

"D-Don't move y/n...."

Now I can feel something hard under my pussy.



"Are you okay?"

"N-No of course...."

I moved abit but he immediately hugs me tight.

"W-What are you doing?"

The movie didn't pause. It's getting worst. They started to moan and everything.


"D-Do you need to go toilet?" I asked.


It's so fcking embarrassing. I've forget I was wearing a tshirt but only panties.



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