Chapter 1

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Ever since this pandemic started there have been three strict rules that everyone is to follow: Social distance, wash your hands, and wear a mask. Three simple, easy steps to follow. And while the pandemic has majorly affected every place around the globe and restrictions are still high, that didn't stop the world from resuming normal life.

So, of course, whenever our school allowed the select few of us who earned our spot through academics and record to continue with our annual trip to a large ski lodge up in North Dakota, we were all stoked. And of course, with this trip, we all had to take as much precaution as possible with the virus going around, but none of us were afraid of it.

And, to be quite honest, nobody went to the ski lodge just to ski. In fact, I think hardly half of us knew how. A three-day trip away from school with a decent size group of teenagers is not something you want to pass up. Yeah, we may all have GPA's of 4.0, and yeah we all may have near-perfect attendance and record, and yeah we may be seen as the students who earned this trip, but what's a trip without a little party?

So maybe that was why all sixteen of us students had broken all three rules and crowded together in the outdoor hot tubs at the hotel. 

Loud music blasting from small portable speakers, empty drinks lying around that may or may have not contained alcohol of some kind, discarded clothes and shoes lying around the tables which were stacked with towels. People were singing to the music a bit off-key, others were dancing outside the tub in the snow half-naked, a small group was playing truth or dare.

I sat in the corner of the warm water, chatting with a small group of my own. None of my close friends were here but I felt just as content with the three I was with. 

"No, absolutely not." Yale denied. "Absolutely no way in hell that's possible."

"Of course it is! He's done it multiple times." Greyson said. "You're just not facing the facts."

"So you're telling me that your uncle is able to straight-up throw hands with a bear and win? Not possible."

"He's Canadian!"

"Wasn't he a boxer or something too?" Anita asked. Greyson nodded.

"For a couple years, yeah."

"Oh my god, what is he not?" Yale asked, earning a chuckle out of all of us. "Next you're gonna say he flew planes or some shit." Greyson opened his mouth but Yale quickly shut him down. "Do not say a word." More laughter.

The four of us watched as two girls dancing in the snow slipped and fell, both shrieking at the cold. Some guys on the opposite end of us splashed water on them, them shrieking again.

"So, Karma," Yale said, getting my attention. "Wanna talk about that crash you took earlier today?" The other two snickered as I scowled at them. Early this morning we arrived at the lodge, giving us plenty of time to ski... and plenty of time to wipe out. I managed to clip my one ski on a tree, sending me sprawling out on the ground and eating snow. 

"Haha, very funny," I said, swirling around the drink in my hand. It was cool to watch as the heat from the hot tub rose up and swirled around in the cold air. Even with the tub and outside lights, the stars were very bright from here. "I actually have a bruise on my hip from that, you know."

More laughter as they continued to make fun of me, but it all meant well. Greyson also took a pretty hard fall so we made joked about that too.

Our school had booked a hotel near the lodge that not many people were in. It almost seemed empty and a little creepy but none of us minded. More room in the tub for us! And you'd think that all these bodies in a warm place would be concerning for the virus, but they're not super strict. Just wear masks, that's it.

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