Recap & Soulmates

Start from the beginning

"You're getting lucky tonight, just so you know." I smirk as she slightly chokes on her sip of wine.

"You say that like I haven't almost every night." She claps back. Damn, I mean she isn't wrong. "It's a given at this point." She shrugs like its no big deal.

"Are you complaining Miss Olsen?" I tease

"Have you heard any complaints from me?" She continues our banter raising an eyebrow in question.

"Nope, lots of begging though." I smirk and she pushes me forcefully and I have to catch myself from falling off the chair.

"Unnecessary." She scolds.

"You asked!" I laugh and she cracks a smile, leaning over to kiss my cheek. The rest of the night is calm, we take a shower and settle in bed to cuddle. We talk about random things while something random plays on the TV and her hand in my hair lulls me to sleep.

I wake up the next morning with a familiar feeling of excitement that I have every morning while on this trip. Lizzie looks down at me from the book she's reading and smiles at my bubbly energy. I lean up to give her a good morning kiss.

"London Eye! London Eye! London Eye! I chant as I settle to sit on her lap and slightly bounce in excitement. She smiles, her eyes and nose crinkling at how big her smile grows.

"Someone is excited. How do you still have this much energy?" She wonders and rubs my exposed thighs.

"Because I have an amazing girlfriend that I get to wake up to every morning." I flirt and she bites her lip, her smile still wide and sparkly. She grabs the back of my neck and pulls my lips to hers for a surprisingly passionate kiss.

She pulls away slowly and whispers, "I'm deeply in love with you." My body fills with love and goosebumps and my smile hurts my cheeks.

"I'm right there with you my love. I love you so much." I give her another sweet kiss before rolling out of bed to get dressed in the outfit Lizzie has laid out for me. I let her pick what I'm going to wear because I'm horrible with clothes. She knows what I like and don't like and can style it way better than I can. Plus, I know she will make sure I look good in case photos are taken. There have been some articles throughout our stay and all were nice thank god.

We eventually find ourselves at the London Eye and I can't stop bouncing impatiently. My camera is in my hand and I've taken 3 pictures of the Eye already. "Babe, you're going to run out of film." She warns. She's created a film allowance so we don't run out before our trip ends and I huff before turning to her and snap a picture of her cute face. "Hey! I wasn't ready." I smirk and hand her the picture so she can put it in the box.

We finally get on and I pace around the space trying to contain my energy but I'm failing. Lizzie grabs onto my hand as I pass and my body calms almost instantly.

"You're like a puppy. All jittery until it's owner calms it down" She teases and pulls me close. I wrap her in a lazy hug so we can both observe our surroundings as we start to move.

"Does that mean you own me? Because I agree, you own my heart." I reply and rub her back as her hands grasp onto my shirt at my sides.

"You are my heart." She says softly, the sweet tone making my heart melt. I look down at her with glassy eyes and connect our lips in a sweet kiss, missing out on views, but its worth it. She's always worth it.

The rest of our day is spent at the aquarium looking at fishies and Lizzie has to pull me away from the glass because I keep wanting to squish my face against it. I get a few cute pictures of her pointing out different fish and her silhouette against the bright water with fish in the background. It's not caught in 4K of course but its still a beautiful picture. We are currently snuggling in bed, exhausted from all the walking we did today. I play with her hands and set one on my cheek after I kiss her palm.

"I'm going to miss you." I whisper, afraid of the conversation I'm starting. Her thumb rubs across my cheek and she tilts my face so my eyes lock with hers.

"I'm going to miss you too baby. But, we're going to be okay. I don't know what I'd do if I lose you." She assures me, and her confidence in our relationship makes me feel better. I snuggle back into her neck and murmur a small goodnight before falling into a comfortable sleep.

The next day we continue our adventures by visiting the Shard and wander through the Borough Markets. I swing our hands between us playfully and she smiles up at me. I hope I get to make her smile for the rest of my life.

"So you know how before wife there is fiancée and before girlfriend it's dating? I feel like there should be a pre-fiancée title once a promise ring is given." I think out loud and her amused grin makes me blush.

"You want a special title for having a promise ring?" She clarifies.

"All I'm saying is that once there's an engagement ring there's a title change, so why isn't there a title change for a promise ring?" I explain my logic and her grin grows as she shakes her head at my antics. I raise my right hand and look at the ring, a soft smile on my face.

"Well, what do you think the title should be?" She questions, observing my actions and matching my fuzzy smile.

"Hmmm, I dunno, Lover? My other half? I don't know what I want it to be but it's gotta be good. Partner seems to boring to me. Lover is kind of casual." I think out loud.

"I like other-half, although it's weird to use in all contexts." she offers. "But, it also implies that we aren't whole apart and I think we are both put together enough to be our own people separately but enjoy being together. You feel me?" She asks. I nod and hum in thought. We have to make up a name for this shit.

"I'll think on it." I decide and we start make our way back to the flat. As we are about a block away Lizzie speaks up.

"What about soulmate?" She asks casually and it makes me stop in my tracks. She takes another step before realizing I'm not moving and turns around to face me, her concerned eyes connect with mine. "Babe, you okay?" She moves closer to me and rests a hand on my stomach.

"Soulmate? You uh. You think we're soulmates?" I clarify quietly, afraid I misheard her.

Her smile grows, realizing what it making me freak out. "What else would you call our relationship?" She tilts her head in question and I melt at her soft, sparkly eyes observing mine.

"I uh, wow. Sorry I just. Wow." I stumble over my words.

"I happened to see you two Fridays in a row, and decide out of nowhere to talk to you. I still don't know the reason why other than something in me chose to. We get along from the start, want to be together, lived together like 3 days in. We don't get bored of each other and everything just seems right when we are together. We had an immediate connection that hasn't faltered at all. I'm drawn to you and I continue to fall in love with you every day. You understand me and I you. You bring me so much happiness, calmness and peace. My heart beats for you, Y/N. I feel like all of those things make you my soulmate." She states confidently. I process her words and feel the weight of them in my chest which I recognize is my insane amount of love I hold for her.

"You're right. We have always had this deep connection from the moment we met. An unspoken thing until that night on the roof. My love for you grows every day and even the simplest things you do make my heart happy. I feel safe and at home with you, wherever we are. It's so natural and easy, even when we have shit to deal with. All that matters is that we have each other. You are everything to me, Elizabeth Chase Olsen." I process our words as I finish talking and take a deep breath, noticing the shift in our relationship. She smiles up at me scrunching her nose and kisses me passionately in response. "I'm your soulmate." I whisper against her lips between kisses and she hums in agreement as I pull her closer. I realize we are in the middle of the street making out so I pull away. "Let's get inside my love." I keep an arm around her as we continue our journey home, huge smiles on our faces and hearts beating together as one.
A/N Enjoy the fluff while you cannnnnnnn. I've never been to London so I don't feel like I can write a lot about it. Probably 1 more chapter of the trip and then a few more before book 1 is complete. I can't believe it honestly. I didn't think this would go anywhere. Thank you so much for reading, I can't believe I have almost 6k views??!!?!?! I love the comments and try to reply to most because its so fun :) Let me know what you think :)

I didn't edit it, hopefully there aren't any huge errors.

A New York City Dream ~ Elizabeth OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now