Chapter One Hundred & Seventeen

Start from the beginning

The maneuver had bought Wang Bao time but it took a toll on his body, a stomach cramp was causing his already lacking speed to slow down and he heard footsteps again, though they were quicker as well as lighter. Wang Bao didn't have the time to fight back because he felt a sting in his back, he had barely taken two more steps when he felt the floor turn to jelly beneath him, Wang Bao fell forward once he was unconscious but before his body could hit the ground, the person who had fired the tranquilizer caught him and carried him away.

. . . . . . . .

When Wang Bao woke up, he didn't know how but he was no longer in the palace, as he looked around the room, he could see he was in a cabin but where the cabin was he had no idea. The windows were nailed shut from the inside so there was no chance of him escaping without using the bedroom door. When Wang Bao tried to stand out of bed, his body instantly rejected the motion and he fell back, hitting his head on the wall. The sound caused quiet noise to be heard on the other side of the door and Wang Bao rubbed his head while watching the old doctor walk through the door, two men standing behind her ominously. The doctor looked him up and down before speaking harshly.

"Don't go wrecking that body, you are useless once you're broken."

"Where am I?"

The old doctor walked forward while her bodyguards stayed by the door.

"Somewhere that will buy us time, food will be served soon. After that I'll have a peek at what's inside that stomach of yours."


Wang Bao stood up and stepped towards the old doctor but before he could get too close, the men from the doorway came over and pushed him back down to the bed, Wang Bao struggled to fight back since the men were pushing all of their weight onto his limbs. He suddenly felt a metal collar being attached to his throat then heard the sound of a metal chain. Wang Bao struggled harder but with no result as the chain that was attached to the wall was quickly attached to his collar. With his body bound to the room permanently, the men moved away, the doctor took one last look at Wang Bao before walking closer, her old hand reached out and rubbed Wang Baos belly before it was roughly slapped away.

The old doctor held up her hand to stop the men from coming over again and she smiled at Wang Bao, though the smile was anything but kind. Wang Bao could feel his blood turn cold as the old doctor started talking, her voice laced with amusement.

"Those stupid men around you thought I was a follower of Queen Mother, I never did such a thing. Medicine is my life and they took that away from me because of that wretched woman. When I heard that you were carrying twins and the Father was Nakai, I knew I had to get my hands on you. To be able to own a pair of mixed- breed babies, that would be the greatest accomplishment of my career, don't you think?"

"That's disgusting, how can you say medicine is your passion when you go and do something like this?"

Wang Bao felt nothing but disgust as he looked at the woman he had once called teacher. The old doctor was unfazed with Wang Bao's disgust and she walked away, not bothering to say any more. When Wang Bao was left alone, he laid on his side and rubbed his belly soothingly, the babies inside him were running around painfully, it took until the food was served for him to control his breathing and calm the fetuses down. The food was nothing special but more than Wang Bao expected, although he didn't want to eat, his stomach was angry at him for not having lunch and now that he was presented with dinner, he ate heartily.

Once Wang Bao had finished his meal, the old doctor came in and set up a small ultrasound machine. Wang Bao watched her as her old body moved around the small room with an abundance of energy. Finally the screen was turned on and the two men held both Wang Bao's arms and legs down, Wang Bao didn't bother to struggle though since he knew all the doctor wanted to do was see what the fetuses looked like. The cold jelly was applied to his belly then the hand device ran along his soft skin, the image was blurry and unclear at first but soon an image of one fetus showed up. As soon as the doctor heard the rapid heartbeat and saw the size of the fetuses, her face beamed gleefully, her hand moved slowly over Wang Bao's belly with the device before her smile widened even more.

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