Spring flowers

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This chapter is not edited. I just want to continue the story and I won't do a proper edit for now. My story was selected by a team of editors in training, so it will be edited within a year and I am very happy for this.
In the same time, I invite you to outline the mistakes you might find and let me know what you think of this chapter. Happy reading!


A white, tall ceiling with transversals blackened wooden beams. That is what I was staring at, trying to make sense. After a few seconds, realization poured over. I was in His den!
I turned my head slowly while my heart was bumping wildly in my chest, but the room was empty. I got up, unwrapping the thick cover that fell on the floor, and I felt the coldness of the air on my bare skin.
Eyeing my abandoned garment, I stepped through the chills and dressed in a rush. I did not know how much I've slept nor how late it was.

Ignoring the silent ache in my lower tummy and the soreness in between my legs, I plastered an ear on the door and listened. Silence.
My mind started to work. Now it was the moment. I will not get another chance.
Searching in my pocket, I wrapped the scarf around my neck and I walked in a hurry to the far corner of the room, opposite the fireplace wall.
This had to work! I saw his star, it was identical to mine.
Questions rose in my head, but now it wasn't the time, so I shoveled them at the back of my mind, focusing on the task at hand.
My heart stopped for a moment.
With a turn of my silver star, the chest unlocked.
I wasted no time and removed the oval key from the ring filled with countless keys, hiding it in the hem of my sleeve.
I locked the chest and took a deep breath when I heard steps approaching on the other side of the door. I jumped straight on the fur, in the exact moment the door opened.
"Now, good afternoon to you, Dawn." Uma's scolding-like voice filled the air.
I peered at her with an apology glance, not realizing how late it was actually. At this time I should have been already returned with my basket filled from the forest's treasure and helping with after lunch cleaning in the great hall.
She came into the room and closed the door with a tray in her hand.
"How are you feeling?" She asked in a warm, sympathetic tone. I avoided her gaze.
"You know, you can come to me if you need to talk. Here-" She gestured to herself, "there is no judging. No questions. But a shoulder for you. And I can tell you, girl, that this shoulder has been dampened many times."
She approached with her determined steps and placed the tray on the floor in front of me.
"Thank you, Uma." I paused, looking at the plate filled with steamy, divine smelling goods. This was a king's meal.
I opened my mouth to say something, but Uma, catching my wonderment of the meal, cut me with her voice.
"His orders. You are to eat, wash and rest here. After you fill your belly, I shall bring warm water."
"Where is he?" I asked with a longing in my soul, a longing that I could not understand. In the night, after he kissed me, he told me that if the Moon will smile on him, he will see me again.
"Is not my place to know of his whereabouts. Come now," she clapped her hands, "eat!"
She lit the fire and scurried out, leaving me with my meal and my thoughts. I knew he was going to Taria, but somehow I hoped to see him one more time before his journey. I knew it wasn't his intention to hurt me, and I saw and felt how much he held back. Despite his roughness and power, despite the fear he instilled in every living creature and his darkness, he showed me something else, something I never thought to see. His heart. And in it, I saw light.

I couldn't eat much, I wasn't used to so much food. After Uma returned, I washed myself fast and left the room in a hurry. I had work to do; I had an escape to set in motion.
On my way to the kitchen, I nearly bumped into a young warrior. He stopped in his tracks, looking at me with an intense gaze, his nose capturing my scent.
I muttered an apology and tried to walk around him when his arm flung in the air at my chest level, halting my steps. My breath came out faster, expressing my fear.

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