The gift

112 19 8

Four years later


Days are passing and passing, all the same. We are far in the north now, just the two of us.

Nights are cold, the air crisp and the food scarce.

Mother said it's for our own good, but I can't see that. I have no one to share with my joy ,my sadness. Only her. Sometimes that's not enough...

I remember that day, 4 years ago, when a terrifying, beastly howl shook the air. The birds scattered away and my breath stopped. Its raw power gave me chills. As fast as my feet carried me, I ran back home.

Mother came back troubled, shouting that a werewolf was bitten, banished- and he will go feral. She wanted us to move further because of the dangerous rogue, but the next day a heavy snow fell and blocked the path.

We spent that long winter around the fire, mother sharing her knowledge.

She told me about the demon from the Stone, how every Ostara and Mabon he asks for human blood and, if he is not feed, he would curse the seasons, burning the fields or flooding them, poisoning waters, killing the stock, even stealing the babies breath in the night.

She told me that only the first beast could turn humans, before his venom became lethal. Since then, werewolves could only be born, from werewolf females, on a black moon night. The vampires, on the other side, were made -in the longest night of the year, when darkness swallows the light and Charon with his boat can't carry the tainted souls over Styx to the other side.

I listened about true stories of The great war, when vampires killed most of the she-wolfs, and how the few remaining were now protected in the heart of the packs. I wondered how she knew all that...

"Mother, do they grow fangs and shift?" I asked curious.

"No, they do not shift, child. They do not grow fangs, as their canines are sharper already and very powerful. But their senses, speed and strength make them the deadliest predators in the land."

"And the nightwalkers- do they burn in the sun?"

"They can walk on a cloudy day... Their skin can not stand the sunlight for long- depending on their ranks, and yes, they would slowly burn, but not die. Their flesh would dry, agonising for fresh blood. They always crave for blood. They can't keep food in their bellies like us, and they are always hungry."

"Like the demon from the stone?"

"Exactly. They are the demon's spawns."

She told me about the rare moonberries, and how fast a human dies when crushes one in his mouth, or how a beast is weakened by it for days.

In that hollow winter, my dreams were haunted. The wind s whistle murmured prayers to my ear,

and sung of painful longings.


"Blessings, my dear."

"Blessings" I smile to her and try to rub the sleep away. Putting the cover aside, I get up to wash my face.

Cold air swamps my feelings , making me shiver.

I feel a cloak being wrapped over my shoulders- Mother is always thoughtful.

Filling a mug, she waits for me. I kneel on the floor with my back on her and I hold tight the mug, enjoying its warmth in my cold hands, while she braids my bottom length hair.

"All done now, girl. Come, sit and eat your porridge."

"Thank you, mother." I say while shovel the full spoon in my mouth. My tongue bursts with sweetness and a moan escapes my lips.

"You put honey in it? But we have so little!"

"Today is special, my sweet child!" She takes hold of my hand, smiling with her almond-shaped hazel eyes. "Today marks 18 years of happiness in my life. You are my light, warmth and life. All the Sun's blessings bestowed upon me since that day I found you in the forest!"

I hug her, and she hugs me.

"I love you so much, mother!"

"And I love you, daughter of mine, never forget that!"

She scurry to the chest and search for something while I finish my honeyed porridge. She returns to the table, holding a small pouch and the whitest fabric I've ever seen.

"I thought to give you this. You were wrapped in it that day."

She places them on the table. "And you had this around you."

My shy fingers hold up the piece of material, revealing a beautiful lace veil, encrusted with small sparkling blue gems.

"Mother, I... I don't know what to say..."

She smiles and nods her head.

I dug in the small sack and pull out a smooth necklace with a small silver star.

"I have one more thing for you, my sweet girl." With wet eyes, she searched inside the pocket.

Her hand pulled out, revealing a moonberry.

My brows drew together as I stared at the small white poison.

'It is coated in a special wax, to make it hard to crack and to last for a long time" mother explains.

My low lip quivered. "Why would you give me such thing?"

"I pray you will never need it, but you must understand that sometimes, it can be the merciful way, swift and painless. Death is part of life, but with this- we have the choice of How and When."

She hid the deadly fruit at the back of my neck, glued to a strand of hair, telling me to never take it off and never show it to anyone. A tear run down my cheek.

"Happy birthday, Dawn!"


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