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The noise of the limping steps approaching reverberated from the stoned floor to the high ceiling with a hollow, ill twisted sound. They stopped at some distance from the two great chairs, where the King and the Prince were savoring their early meals.

The man took his worn hat off and bowed.

"Do you have something for us?" A voice cut through the silence.

The man squeezed his eyes, trying to adjust them to the darkness of the large hall. On his left side, tall windows were covered with thick curtains, an obstacle for the evening light. The right wall- all bulky stone, with no fireplace. Nightwalkers don't need to warm themselves.

Clearing his dry throat, he acknowledged- "My King, my Prince"

"Speak!" With a push, Declan's fainted meal fell from his lap, the impact with the hard floor causing a hard noise.

"I come bearing news, prince."

"Are the news worth interrupting your king's dinner?" The vampire inquired as he wiped the corner of his mouth with a dampened handkerchief.

"There is a page missing!" The man exclaimed, looking proud of his discovery. "I know for sure, I heard them talking."

The king grunted, but didn't stop. The slave he was feeding off passed out already, but she wasn't dead. They avoided to kill the lowers because of the already shortage of their blood supply.

"What page are you taking about? Talk some sense, Ciaran, because I'm still hungry!" The prince, Declan, wasn't exactly praised for his patience.

The king knew well what the lower meant, but he never told that to anyone. Not even to his second, who was waiting impatiently for the lower to explain. As the demon's children, their dark side was very manipulative and spiteful, not to be fully trusted.

"From the book!" he said like it should've been obviously.

"Whom did you hear talking?" Caleb asked. He slid the woman down to his feet and waited with his hand open for Declan to pass him the wet cloth.

"King Caleb... Endrine was her name. She was talking to someone by the name of Ilre. He had a beast with him, but he kept the beast far-and full of moonberries. This is how I could get close."

Declan crooked his neck and glared at Caleb. "That must be the bitten rogue." He switched his glance at Ciaran. "Where did you see the woman?"

"In the mountains up North, Lord. She lived in a hut in the woods there. After the man left, her daughter showed up. And she died!"

"Who died? The woman?"

"Yes, I mean no... I mean... her daughter was a woman too... that's the one who died. Shame, such a beauty..." Ciaran stated. He opened his mouth, wanting to say more, but the prince silenced him with a raised palm, addressing to Caleb.

"What do you think? We should go for the woman, I say. I bet she's a dawner, like the man."

"Of course we should. Ciaran here knows the way. You will go yourself to take her."

The lower coughed intentionally, drawing the attention of the two vampires.

"What?" the prince asked, annoyed.

"Your Highnesses, the woman is gone."

Declan rose from his seat and grabbed the man by the collar of his shirt. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN IS GONE?"

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