𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑡𝒉𝑖𝑠 𝑖𝑠 𝑗𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝑡𝒉𝑒 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑜

Magsimula sa umpisa

"Pretty sure she wasn't asking you" Alaina told her.

"Don't act like you ont want a boy too"

"Okay. Enough. We'll find out in a minute" the doctor said. "Now I'm gonna need you to gently lay back down on the couch and hold your shirt up for me please"

"Okay" Alaina complied and did as the doctor instructed.

While she was doing that, Dr Townes couldn't help but notice the alarming amount of bruises on her wrist and forearm. That was enough to make her raise an eyebrow.

"Problem?" Zee asked when she noticed the look she was giving her friend.

"No no. None at all" she denied, shaking her head.


"That nigga must have got super sperm or sum' if he was able to do that" Zee said and Alaina gave her a look.

"Could you shut up please?"

"What? I'm just saying" she defended herself.

"Well I hope you're happy with the results" Dr Townes spoke up after she had packed up all the ultrasound stuff.

"Well yeah. It wasn't really what I was expecting but I'm happy with it" Alaina answered truthfully.

"Okay. I'm sorry Mrs Moore, can I speak out of turn?" She asked and both Zee and Alaina exchanged looks.

"Uh... sure"

"Are you being held against your will?"

During the ultrasound, she had also noticed more bruises around her neck and she had immediately gotten worried for her patient. She had grown fond of Mrs Moore and she didn't want to see her getting abused.

"What? I don-"

"You know domestic abuse and violation against women is a federal crime and that brute could probably get about ten years in jail if everything goes our way and i-"

"Dr Townes!" Alaina cut her off.


"I'm not getting abused or whatever. Why would you even think that?"

"I'm sorry. It's just that I saw the bruises around your neck and on your wrists and I got worried" she revealed and Alaina immediately blushed while Zee looked away, already knowing what was going on.

The night before, Alaina and Wayne had been extra rough and Alaina was guessing that what the doctor has seen was the aftermath of their sinful activities.

"Look Alaina, you're a sweet girl and I don't want you to-"

"I'm not getting abused or beaten up" she clarified.

"But something else shol is" Zee muttered, snickering a bit.

"Oh. I'm sorry for that then. Maybe I thought wrong" Dr Townes apologized, standing up. "I'll just take my leave now"

She walked to the door and was about to open it when she suddenly turned back around.

"Just blink twice if you need help" she told Alaina.

"Doctor Townes!"

"I'm sorry" she apologized again and left, Zee immediately bursting out in laughter.

"It's not funny" Alaina grumbled.

"It kinda is"

Alaina glared at her best friend for a little while before cracking a smile.

"Okay maybe just a little"


"That doctor was wilding yo. How she think Roddy beating on you? Nah the others needa hear this" Zee said as she typed away on her phone while they left the hospital.

Then she bumped into someone and the phone fell from her hands down to the ground.

"Mane what the fuck mane? Watch where the fuck you go-"

"Alaina?" Briella cut her off, recognising the person standing right in front of her.

"Briella" Alaina responded.

"Who?" Zee asked, picking up her phone. "Fuck that. Ion even give a fuck. You paying for my phone"

"I missed you" Briella gushed, ignoring Zee and tried to hug Alaina, who stepped back to dodge her.

"Get back. We ain't that close"

"Are you still mad about what happened? It's been three years" she said, trying to come closer, making Zee step in front of Alaina.

"Now iono who the fuck you are but my best friend said get back. So get back. Or you catching these hands"

"I just wanna talk"

"But she ont wanna talk to you so go eat a dick or sum'" Zee responded and walked away, dragging Alaina with her.


Just a lil sum' for y'all on this fine Sunday 💕

and like the name said, this is just the intro to the begining of the end. literally.

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