The New Avenger Part 18

Start from the beginning

"Uh, guys. I think I found him" Aria says through the com links. 

"That was easy." Rhodey says

"Too easy" Tony says

"Sending you the coordinates." Aria says

Aria lands nearby and takes a look at her surrounding. They were in a wide alley, dark too. She saw Loki sitting down, head leaning against the wall. He was in the very end, and it was dark there, so she grabbed some of the fire she had stored and put a little flame in her hand. She reached out in front of her, and she could see Loki better. She was shocked. 

His hair was matted with blood, his clothes tattered and ripped. His eyes were closed and his breathing was uneven. He had a lot of blood stains, so it was hard to tell where it was coming from. His face was smeared with dirt and grime. His hand was on top of his forearm. 

"Guys! He's hurt!" Aria says to her com links

"What?" Aria heard everyone say

Loki suddenly opened his eyes and he backed against the wall staring at Aria with wide eyes. Aria put her hands up and turned her coms off. She walks slowly towards Loki. When she reached about a few feet away from Loki, she reached one hand towards her mask and took it off. She threw it on the ground. 

"Hey. It's ok. I'm a friend" Aria says soothingly. 

"Wh-who are you?"

Aria thought about telling him her superhero name, but she wanted him to trust her. 

"I'm Aria."

"How did you find me?"

"I was found by Mr. Stark and Wanda. They saved me. And we told be FRIDAY that you were here." 

"Have you come to capture me?"

"At first. But now we're worried. You're hurt. I-We, want to help."

"How are you doing that?"

"Doing what?"

"You have fire in your hand"

Aria looked at her hand. 

"I can control elements and a lot of other things"

"You have wings?"

Aria spread her wings. 


Loki suddenly winced. Aria noticed that he wouldn't move one of his arms. She stepped towards him. 

"No. Please. Don't come closer" 

This was odd to hear. Especially since Loki is always one to be fierce. Aria noticed that Peter landed in front of the alley. She looked behind her and signaled to Peter to go away and tell the others. He did so. 

"Please. Let me help you"

Loki did not object as Aria once again stepped closer to him. She knelt next to him. Loki winced and shivered. He had goose bumps on his arms. 

Aria looked around and found a lamp. She put her hand in it and lit the lamp. 

"Ok. What hurts?"

"My arm"

Aria touched his arm, and gently lifted it and examined it. Loki winced and whimpered. (Guys I just noticed that I am making him look so vulnerable. I kind of like this. I don't know.)

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