The New Avenger Part 18

Start from the beginning

On the back, there were two open slices for her wings. 

"H-How? When?" Aria askes, breath taken. 

"Mr. Stark and I thought that the time would come that you would join us in battle. So Mr. Stark and I worked on this since you came."

"Thank you!" 

Aria hugs Peter so hard, he thought she might crush his ribs. Peter leaves the room to give her privacy. As he closed the door, he heard a (very) loud squeal. 


"Are we ready?" Rhodey

"Let us not depart! The Man of Spiders has not arrived" Thor says. 

"Where is he?" Tony asks

"Where's Aria?" Wanda asks

"I am not sure" Vision says

"I'm here!" Peter says as he is running towards the quinjet. 

"Where's Aria?" Tony asks

Rhodey suddenly starts standing up slowly. "Guys" 

Everyone turns to where Rhodey was staring. And everyone's mouth dropped to the ground. Even Peter. 

Aria had the suit on. Her hair was waving in the air, and her black hair waved wavy. She had the whole suit on. Her wings were folded behind her, and the bottom feathers swayed slightly in the wind. You could only see her eyes, which were shining in the sun, and her insignia glistened in the sunlight. 

"Oh my gosh" Peter whispered. 

As Aria entered the quinjet, Wanda walked slowly towards her. 

"Y- You look amazing" 

"Thank you" 

Aria took her mask off, so we could see her face. 

"Why is everyone staring at me?" She asks

"Because you look A-MA-ZING" Peter says

"Well, lets get going. Loki isn't going to wait forever." Rhodey says. 

They quickly fly towards time square, and they expect to see chaos, flames, something, but everything was normal. There was no chaos. 

"FRIDAY, I though you said Loki is in Times Square." Wanda said

"Loki is in times square, however, he is not creating any ruccus. Like I had said before, he has no weapon with him, but his vitals are unstable and unusual"

"Where is he?" Rhodey asks

"I am gaining a weak signal from a camera. I believe it is him. I suggest landing and going on foot"

"Ok. Rhodey, land the quinjet not too far, but not too near. We'll go on foot, but be careful, we all know how Loki likes to play games. We don't know what we are walking into. When we land, Rhodey you're with me, Vision and Wanda are together, and Peter and Aria are together. Thor, you can handle being on your own?" Thor nods. "Good. Rhodey and I will search through alleys, Wanda and Vision (WandaVision) will look in the streets, Peter and Aria, search from the air. Thor, look in nearby shops." Tony says

Once they land, everyone does what they are told. Aria flies, looking for Loki, and Peter starts swinging. Thor puts his disguise on and he starts going into shops. Wanda and Vision do the same and look through the streets. Rhodey and Tony look through nearby alleys. 

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