Chapter 3: New start

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Meanwhile at the Meioki lair...

???: So! Did Barde Barde defeat him anyway?

Reina: Well... No!

???: WHAT???

Reina: The only thing we got is the last report from Barde Barde! And you wouldn't believe what happen to them!

???: Just great! You put him in charge and something bad happen to him already!

Reina: And that's not it! Look at this!

Reina show the video to her master.


Reina: This is a latex beast! It's been capture by Barde Barde! But apparently, Barde Barde put the protector of the universe in his cell and then Mayfeng Lee throw a bowl full of latex on him and the latex beast is fusioning with the protector of the universe! Next, he hide from Barde Barde and Mayfeng Lee and then...


Reina: Well he turn them into a latex beasts!


Reina: Yes master Meioki!

Meioki is moving forward Reina and grab her neck

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Meioki is moving forward Reina and grab her neck.

Meioki: Listen you idiotic useless hentai! I'M NOT HERE TO WATCH THIS SCRAP! We are here to find a source of the Musaki Kingdom! If that protector of the universe is going to be a problem, well you have to kill it!

Reina: You forgot one thing! Barde Barde and Mayfeng Lee got turn into a latex beasts when he touch the protector of the universe turned into a latex beast!

Meioki throw Reina at the wall.

Meioki: Pathetic! This latex beast must be stop! Or else every single hentais villains will turn into this! And beside, I already defeat the Musaki kingdom! For now, I must go back there to interrogate the queen so Dram corp will build his empire for his store! And make sure this protector of the universe DIE! Understand?

Everyone: Yes!

18 years ago at the Musaki Kingdom...

A person came to see the Musaki queen. Until he got followed by three persons. When they got to the entrance two guards stop them.

Guard #1: Halt! Who are you?

???: Greeting! We got a letter from the queen of Musaki kingdom!

Guard: #2: You are not an enemy who can easily arm?

???: Of course not!

Guard #1: Then you are free to go in! But don't misbehave!

???: Thank you!

The four persons get inside of the castle. They heading the bedroom and the queen was there.

???: Are you Skywine Musaki?

Skywine: Yes! You must be Mr. Young?

Adam: Yes! My name is Adam Young! And here's Derby, Slab and Echo! We here to help!

Skywine: About that! My baby is born now!

Adam , Echo, Derby and Slab look at the baby.


Slab: What name we should give her?

Echo: I know! We should call her Lyria!

Adam: That's a great idea!

Musaki was happy to call her baby Lyria. Everything was fine until a hostile army came to the Musaki Kingdom to invade. The guards was too weak to protect the castle. In this army, we can see the Morimoto sisters ready to invade the kingdom.

Adam: OH NO! The Morimoto sisters and her army! We don't stand a chance against them!

Echo: What do we do?

Adam: We have no choice but to evacuate the kingdom!

Musaki: Wait! Bring my baby with you!

Adam: We are not leaving you behind!

Musaki: It's okay! I will get away from them! Get back to AnimeLand!

Echo: Adam! We have to leave now!

Derby: But what will happen to her?

Slab: You hear the lady? Let's get out of here!

Adam: Well we are not leaving the queen behind!

Echo give Lyria to Adam and push them in the portal. Then Musaki was captured by the Morimoto sisters.

Reina: Well look who we got here! If isn't the queen of Musaki Kingdom! You have some nerve to bring your daughter to a stranger hands! As for the Meioki, he will bring you in your cell! And you better tell us where's your daughter if you don't wa...

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Reina: Well look who we got here! If isn't the queen of Musaki Kingdom! You have some nerve to bring your daughter to a stranger hands! As for the Meioki, he will bring you in your cell! And you better tell us where's your daughter if you don't want to die!

Skywine: You kidding? I never tell you!

Reina: Fine then! Is that you want to play, I will...

Meioki: Bring her to her cell! Beside the kingdom belong to us now! So there's no need to torture her!

Reina: But master!

Meioki: Just go back in AnimeLand and find the one who protect the universe!

Reina: FINE! As for you Skywine! You are lucky this time! But next time we meet, you won't be lucky! So...


In the present at AnimeLand...

Adam: Why did you do this?

Echo: Look! You want to get her daughter get captured too or dying there?

Derby: Oh no! Tater won't be happy about we late!

Slab: And beside you are not going to take care of her by yourself?

Adam: You're right! We have to do something about that!

Derby: Perhaps Marc will take care of her!

Adam: Good idea! But we must go back to Finnegan high school and tell to Principal Tater what happen!

Echo: Bad Idea! We must tell Marc about this! Nobody else! 

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