Chapter 1: The return of the protector of the universe

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After Mouryou was defeated, Marc bring everyone back to their home and go back to AnimeLand. But then...

Marc: What the

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Marc: What the...

Numbuh 86: Alright stranger! Stand still so we can arrest you!

Marc was trying to contact them. But nothing is working.

Marc: Great! What I'm gonna do now?

Numbuh 86: Alright Kids Next Door! Find anything on this spaceship!

But then, Marc is appear.

Marc: YOU IDIOTS! I'm back!

Numbuh 86: Captain! You're back?

Marc: Yes! I know everyone else will think I'm dead! But I'm alive! Now contact everyone in AnimeLand that I'm alive!

Numbuh 86: Yes captain!

Later, at Marc's mansion, everyone is watching the news.

Tom: Good evening I'm Tom Tucker! Our top story, our beloved protector of the universe Marc is being found by the Kids Next Door inside of a spaceship but he's alive! Stay tunes for more infos!

Homer close the TV.

Homer: Did you hear that? Marc is back!

Marge: That's a relief he's okay! 

Peter: I can't wait to see him again!

Brian: I can't believe he's back with us!

Stan: What are we waiting for! Let make the greatest buffet!

Francine: Good idea! Let's get back to work everyone!

Meanwhile at the new dark palace, a cave where the wall is cover of tentacles.


Reina: Yes master! We couldn't save him!

???: Who could done this to my brother?

Reina: It was the protector of the universe!

???: Instead to saying that multiple times, tell his NAME!

Leona: His name is Marc! he's from the planet earth!

???: So Marc was his name? Well go find him and kill him!


???: Damn it! So what now?

Reina: But never fear! I got a new worker will be able to trap him! Say hello to Barde Barde!

Reina: But never fear! I got a new worker will be able to trap him! Say hello to Barde Barde!

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Barde Barde: I'm glad I could work for you! I'll do my best to defeat this guy!

???: You better be! Or ELSE!

Barde Barde leaving the place.

???: And as for me, I got two persons who will teach this pathetic planet a lesson! NURAKOSHI! HIKARI! Go in AnimeLand and make sure the citizen is not doing any plans to defeat us!

Nurakoshi and Hikari: Yes master!

Back at AnimeLand...

Marc was behind the door.

Marc: Okay! Here I go!

Marc open the door.

Everyone: Surprise!

Marc: You guys!

Homer: It's being for a while we didn't see you here!

Peter: How did you manage to survive?

Marc: Well I got a lot of challenges but i'm alive!

Bloom: You defeat a lot of hentais villains lately?

Iris: Yeah! Tell us what is inside of this universe!

Marc: I would like to tell, but I'm tired! So I will tell someday!

When Marc is going back to his room, he prepare his bed and go to sleep.

Marc: Hey! I'm so glad I'm back in my own mansion!

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