Chapter 7: AnimeLand is the Musaki kingdom

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Meanwhile at Meioki's lair...

Meioki: Tell me! Did she get the princess of Musaki kingdom already?

Reviana: Well... It's hard to say! That latex beast just grab my neck! He's still hurt when I swallow! Oh and by the way, they ignore me!

Meioki: WHAT?

Reviana: Don't get me wrong, but sending our workers against this beast could be extremely dangerous!

Meioki: Pathetic! Getting ignored by this beast! We see enough for today! I will bring Nurakoshi and Hikari to capture the princess right now!

Nurakoshi: Yes master! What is your bidding?

Meioki: I want you to spy the princess of Musaki kingdom along with this blue latex beast! And make sure you don't get see by them or anyone else!

Nurakoshi: Don't worry about that! Our invisibility will make sure we don't get detected!

Meioki: At least, you not useless like the Morimoto sisters! Now don't come back until you got the princess of Musaki kingdom!

Meanwhile at AnimeLand...

Marc was in the kitchen searching for any clues what is the Musaki kingdom while Lyria is sitting here to answers from Marc.

Marc: Tell me! What is the Musaki kingdom?

Lyria: This my home! Why?

Marc: We just getting on the discussion! What the kingdom is hiding from Meioki?

Lyria: I don't know! I think it was some kind of magic source!

Marc: So you possibly mean that Meioki is trying to steal the source to get even more stronger?

Lyria: I don't even know him!

Marc: Yeah! Let's stop those questions and rest! And beside, the Morimoto sisters will paying for what they did! But not only them, Meioki is also on my list! So he better be prepare to be transfurmed!

Outside of Marc's mansion...

Nurakoshi: So he dare to steal the Morimoto mansion! Let see if he like the way he did to the Morimoto sisters!

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Nurakoshi: So he dare to steal the Morimoto mansion! Let see if he like the way he did to the Morimoto sisters!

Hikari: I don't think it will be a good idea!

Nurakoshi: Ah don't be silly! We are invisible! So no one can see us! Once we are inside of this mansion, we vanish with the princess! That's a good plan!

When Nurakoshi get inside of the mansion, the alarm goes on.


Nurakoshi: Damn it! Oh wait! I don't have to be worried about that! I'm invisible!

When everyone is arrive to the entrance, they saw nothing.

Homer: Where he is?

Peter: I don't know!

Stan: I don't think we can see that one at all!

But then, Nurakoshi got caught by Lyria!

Lyria: He's over there!


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But not only Lyria! But Marc saw him as well!

Marc: Game is over hentai! Show yourself! I know you right behind the princess! So there's no way you will survive this! Because I have another ability to see invisible things! Including enemies!

Nurakoshi try to catch Lyria, but he was too late. Marc pinch him in the face. Then he's visible now.

Nurakoshi: Curse you! There's no way you can see me!

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Nurakoshi: Curse you! There's no way you can see me!

Marc: Are you listen to me young man?

Nurakoshi: CURSE YOU!

Marc: Who sending you?

Nurakoshi: I'll never tell you!

Marc: Oh wait! It was Meioki! Right?

Nurakoshi: Damn it!

Marc: That what I though! Now you will tell Meioki that his kind of hentais villains are not welcome in this place! Now leave or be transfurmed! Your choice!

Nurakoshi call for help to Hikari and he vanish.

Marc: God! How long those hentais will disturbing us?

Stan: I don't know! But I'm sure this one will come back!

Marc: You know him?

Stan: Of course I know him! He can be invisible by Hikari! Her assistance!

Marc: So let me guess! In order to interrogate that one, we need to neutralize Hikari!

Stan: Only the one who can see them! Not us!

Marc: So I guess I'm the only one who will an eyes on him for now on!

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2021 ⏰

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