42. Say something

Start from the beginning

It's going to be fine. You're going to get over this. Both of you will get busy in your new lives soon, you'll forget Luke Winters.

But somewhere in the back of my head, a thought creeps up to me, chilling me to my bones.

What if you can't?

✧ Luke ✧


I'd always savored it, found it best for thinking, clearing my head. I would have gladly had most people tape their mouths for the sake of the quiet.

I never thought there would be a day when I would hate it with every fiber of my being.

I can hear her footsteps behind me, her scent like a comfort that's always reminding me it wont last for long.

She's been quiet for the better part of the past two days, both of us have. I cant decide if I'm infuriated or elated. Maybe both.

Elated because I'm not sure I can handle pretending everything is fine. Infuriated because this isn't how I expected the last of this Hunt to be.

Every now and then, she would look at me, prepared to say something but then she stops herself, thinking I'm not noticing just how many times she has done that by now.

"Lets not stop tonight," I turn to face her as she speaks, steady golden eyes look back at me

I look up at the darkening sky. With minimum defense gear and food, it's better if we try to cover the remaining distance as quick as possible. Besides, it's not like I'll be getting any sleep any time soon.

I nod at her and pick up my pace, only a short while later, a soft voice breaks the lovely numbness in the air.


I resist the urge to clench my fists, glance at her from the corner of my eyes.

She takes a deep breath "Are you mad at me?"

I stop and look at her with a stoic face, but even then, I cant help but raise an eyebrow.

"Why would I be?" I ask, genuinely confused

She wrings her hands, something she's never done before and bites down hard on her bottom lips. For the love of Goddess, stop doing that.

"You're not mad at me?" She asks slowly, I nod "Then why are you ignoring me?"

I cock my head to a side "Like how?"

She looks away, shrugs, looks at me again, unease written all over her face.

"You haven't talked to me since we left the house." She says

"You haven't either."

A beat of silence passes, the air around us is so thick, I could cut through it. then her lips curl up in a small smile.

"Well, then we've both been fretting over nothing." She says, a hint of hope in her voice

Nothing? The way you and I had started trusting each other, leaning on each other was nothing? The way electricity cackles when you touch me is nothing? The way we complement each other perfectly is nothing?

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