Secrets Are Revealed...

Start from the beginning

"Well, like I said, Jen's been really weird today. She-" Jordan started, cueing a flashback scene.

That Very Morning:

Jordan had woken up as usual, in her pajamas. As she gets out of bed, we truly see the full view of these pajamas in question. She was wearing a slightly oversized yellow shirt with a blue flower on it and her usual blue skirt.

She went through her traditional morning routine, consisting of brushing her teeth and making her signature look that we all know. Once she was done with that, Jordan grabbed her backpack and went downstairs for breakfast.

That whole morning, Jordan had been filled with new energy and happiness. Ever since she and Lincoln had become a thing, Jordan couldn't help but be happier. Even though Jordan's parents Rick and Jesse just saw this as their daughter's normal behavior, Jen knew better than that.

Jordan and Jen were quite close as sisters, even though they did have their occasional arguments/disagreements. In the end, both knew each other very well and cared about one another. So when Jen witnessed Jordan and Lincoln become a thing, she couldn't help but be happier for her sister. This is because she also happened to know about Jordan's crush on Lincoln from kindergarten.

Knowing all this, Jen knew that she had to confront Jordan about what she saw. If she didn't respect her sisters privacy, she would've confronted her the morning before when their parents would be home. Today, both parents would be busy with work and couldn't be there.

This was actually good for Jen, as it would increase the chances Jordan would confirm her suspicions. With her sister now downstairs enjoying her breakfast (premade by their parents), she could finally confront her sister.

"Hey sis, you've been really happy as of late. What's got you like this?" Jen asked her sister, out of genuine curiosity, despite knowing the answer.

"Oh, that?" Jordan answered, trying not to sound like she's hiding something. "I've just been having really good days recently."

"Alright, alright sis. As your sister, you and I both know that you are lying and hiding something!" Jen exclaimed with fake frustration, having to act like she didn't know. The teen then continued on with her fake act, wanting Jordan to fully confirm and admit to what happened. "Let me guess, this has to do with a certain boy that saved you yesterday!"

"Wait, you know about that?" Jordan asked in clear shock.

"Of course I do!" Jen replied, this time more enthusiastic than frustrated. "I think one of Lincoln's friends posted it on InstaSnap; Stella, I believe."

Jen proceeds to show the posted video of the Lunchtime Altercation, which was indeed by Stella. The video didn't just show the fight, but the whole encounter that caused the whole thing. This included the part when Lincoln saved Jordan, the exact part Jen was talking about.

After giving Jen her phone back, Jordan tried to disprove her older sister.

"What does this have to do with me apparently being 'really happy?'" Jordan fired, still trying to hide it. To be fair, Jordan was doing a pretty good job at this. Well, at least at that moment...

"Well, it looks like you and Lincoln have gotten quite close as of late...which is weird since he also happened to be the boy you had a HUGE crush on in kindergarten!" Jen said, this time making Jordan really nervous. The younger brunette was now cracking.

"S-So what! Just because I had a c-crush on Lincoln then, doesn't mean that I do n-now!" Jordan fired back, really showing how much she's cracked. With that, Jen knew she only needed to say one more thing to seal the deal.

"Yeah, right. I can tell you still like him; you literally look at him the same way as you did before! Man, he really had your heart too." Jen said, knowing she just did the finishing move.

Hearing that last part was the real killer, though. Jordan's mind flashed back in that moment to the day they met, then to when they finally got together. She loved him then, and still did now.

"Yeah, and now I have his..." Jordan sighed out, now in a love daze. As Jen watched this, she knew that her sister was truly in love with the boy she knew since kindergarten. Through Leni, she already knew what Lincoln was like. Seeing Jordan's true feeling for him is what really assured Jen about him. From that moment on, she knew there was nothing to worry about.

"I'm proud of you, Jordan. You finally did it, even though I saw this...coming." Jen said, almost slipping herself. Knowing Jordan could snap out of her daze any moment to ask about her hesitation, she left quickly. *Flashback ends*

Back To The Present:

"And she just left after that," Jordan finished, only saying the parts when both of them talked (obviously).

"It's funny how she almost slipped her secret out after revealing yours!" Lincoln laughed, resulting in the couple laughing. This was short-lived, as both noticed that Lynn wasn't laughing with them. When they looked over at Lynn, she just was standing there in shock.

"Lynn, are you okay?" Lincoln asked in concern, with Jordan replicating this.

"She really does love you..." Lynn said quietly, as that was all she could say at that moment.

Inside the Loud House, a certain sister had heard everything.

"Looks like my suspicions are true about those two," the Loud said.

That's Chapter 14! I know that this chapter ended with a cliffhanger, but I just had to do it. This was not only to create suspense for who this sister is, but to assure you guys that my promise is real. But I can't tell you guys if my next update will be on this story , though. :)


1. Clear reference to Chapter 5 (Lunchtime Altercation)

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