Chapter One Hundred & Thirteen

Start from the beginning

"That little prince will arrive tomorrow."

Karo quickly returned his gaze to his plate while everyone started eating, although the table was filled with people, the dinner was awkwardly silent with the feeling that everyone didn't want to be around one another, Wang Xei and Tomi included. The only one who showed any excitement was Hera. Her chubby hand held her spoon tightly while slapping her bowl of lumpy pureed food, singing loudly as she did. Wang Bao tried to get her to stop since she was splashing food all over herself but her grip was too firm for Wang Bao to break. Nakai took over since Wang Bao was getting nowhere and swiftly tickled Hera's sides before swiping the spoon away from her. Once Hera noticed her hands were empty, she shouted.

"Papa~ Daddy bad~"

Hera looked up at Wang Bao while pointing her sausage finger at Nakai and Wang Bao bent down, asking her with a smile..

"Is he?"

Hera tried to fling her body towards Wang Bao since she didn't like Nakai at the moment. Unfortunately her high chair was stopping her from reaching her destination and she half cried and growled while hitting her chair. Wang Bao swiftly grabbed his napkin and wiped Hera's dirty face and hands before leaning closer to her, rubbing her plump cheeks.

"It's okay, Papa is right next to you."

"No~ Up, Papa Up."

Nakai took over again since Wang Bao wasn't able to hold Hera, once Nakai had Hera out of her chair she calmed down before reaching out to Wang Bao, her face red with frustration. From the other end of the table, Wang Xei and Tomi had been watching silently before Tomi asked Wang Bao a question.

"Why won't you hold her?"

Wang Bao hesitated before looking at Tomi, talking while diverting his gaze.

"When she leans against my stomach, it causes me stomach and back pain, usually I can hold her on my lap but at the moment, it's difficult."

Tomi looked down at Wang Bao's stomach before looking back at his face, nodding softly before turning back to his plate. Wang Bao looked down at Tomi's stomach as well, his baby bump wasn't very noticeable, especially with him wearing an oversized blazer. It was hard to believe that Tomi was nine months pregnant and would be giving birth within the week. Tomi could feel Wang Bao's lingering gaze and turned his head back to stare at Wang Bao, his voice never changing from the soft yet stern tone.

"Is there something you want to ask me?"

"....How do you tolerate my Brother? Does he not annoy you?"

Wang Xei cracked a smile as he looked at Wang Bao while Tomi's plain expression never changed.

"Of course Xei annoys me, I don't mind though."

Wang Bao never thought he would see the day where someone could tolerate Wang Xei and he mentally applauded Tomi for being so brave and understanding. After Tomi answered, the dinner carried on in silence before everyone went to their separate rooms. Wang Bao laid with Hera on his bed while Nakai showered, Hera was finally in a good mood since she could lay on Wang Bao's chest. When Nakai came back into the room with only a pair of underwear on, Wang Bao complained tiredly.

"He barely spoke to us during dinner, we could've just had dinner separately and it would have been the same."

"I think he missed you and Lei more than he let on. He seems pretty excited to be a parent too, he couldn't stop rubbing Tomi's bump."

Wang Bao scrunched his face since he didn't recall any of this happening during the meal and he questioned whether Nakai had sat at the same table as him, or had been replaced by a clone. Nakai saw Wang Bao's expression as he slid into the bed and he carried on explaining while pulling Wang Bao and Hera closer to him.

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