Chapter 11

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This is going to be so fun....

Third Person

You walk in to the room and everyone goes silent and stares at you. The only thing that can be heard in the sound of the music in the background. You just freeze unsure of what to do until Clint slightly pushes you forward as if to say 'go on'. You put on a elegant smile and make your way over to the bar.

Everyone is still staring at you but you don't understand why. It starts to freak you out a little and Tony notices. He walks up to a mini stage and grabs a microphone. He says "Hello party people. As you have all noticed, we have a new member of the group here tonight. This is a welcome party for her and of course it's a party for me aswell. Anyway, make her feel like she belongs and carry on partying."
With that every starts to talk amongst themselves again.

You give a slight nod to Tony as a thank you which he reciprocates with a smile while stepping down off the stage. As your now at the bar you turn to the barman and ask "Could I have a vodka martini, extra dirty, stirred please."

"Comming right up ma'am." he replies with a wink before walking away to make your drink.

"Stirred not shaken?" a familiar voice comes up from behind and questions.

Slightly turning your head you see Natasha in a slim fitting black dress with cherry red lipstick and black heels, "Shaken is for lightweights who like their booze watered down." you smile.

"And James Bond." Natasha quickly adds.

"James Bond never went through what I did." you say in a slightly sad tone.

"That's true from what I found out." she replies.

Before you can reply the waiter comes back with your drink. You pick it up, take a sip and say thank you to the barman. As you go to look back at Natasha you find that she is no longer there.

For the rest of the night you mostly find yourself talking to strangers and drinking a hell of a lot. Not that it effected you much. You had your past to thank for that. However, while trying to enjoy the party Tony had put together for you, you constantly found your mind wandering to the redhead in her dress. Still not having seen her since you were at the bar.

As the party came to an end you were a little tipsy but other than slightly stumbling every so often you were perfectly fine. Guests started to leave in groups and eventually it was just you and the team. You looked around and giggled to yourself. Bruce asked "What's so funny?" With an amused smile.

"Just the fact that this place looks a mess. I was expecting a Stark party not a Zoo full of wild animals that escaped their cages" you answered.

"Well what can I say. A stark party isn't a proper Stark party until it looks like a bomb went off." Tony interjects.

You all laugh and eventually you say "Right, I'm heading to bed. Gotta get up early and start on that machine Fury wants me and Stark to build so badly."

After everyone says goodnight and a little sly comment from Tony about you not helping clean up, you get to your door for your room. Instead of going in straight away, you hesitate as your mind once again drifts to Natasha. Except this time, slight rage fills you. You remember how she looked at your file and tried to uncover all your secrets from your past. Luckily she didn't get very far but that didn't stop you from feeling in some way violated.

You quickly turned on your heels and asked J.A.R.V.I.S when the room with the most computers were. After following the A.I's directions you find yourself sat infront of a computer typing quickly.

Your POV
I start by hacking into S.H.I.E.L.D and which was extremely easy. They really need to get a better system. As you typed you constantly made sure to put up firewalls that were almost impossible to get through so that anyone at S.H.I.E.L.D couldn't stop you or figure out who you were.

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