"It took 8 seconds for you to settle down, y'all are gonna have to get your shit together if you wanna survive class. Wear these gym uniforms and meet me at the feild", he says as he starts to leave when a Uraraka-kun asks dad, what about orientation?", "I dont give a damn about some useless ceremony", and then he proceeds to crawl away.

Hitoshi and I couldn't take it anymore. We fell to the floor doubling over with laughter,"what the fuck was that?", he asks, still laughing. "It was perfect that's what it was", I say in between my wheezing. Then we realise if we're not on time we'll get screwed. We rush to the locker rooms and start changing.

*Hitoshi pov*

I step to the middle of the locker room and say,"okay assholes. None of you are gonna touch, approach or engage I conversation with my sister. Got it? If I see you even looking at her, I'm looking at you grapist. I will kill you and then my dad will do it again."  I see almost everyone nod so I leave it be.

*Izuku pov*

I start changing when I find everyone staring at me. Then I realize my scars were showing, so I rush out of there and make my way to the field.

No one was there yet except dad so I was safe. I walk over to dad and I laugh as I get closer to him. "What the hell kind of entrance was that", "shut up problem child", he says with his 'tired dad' voice.

Toshi came next and asked dad basically the same question, recieving a groan from dad.

The others started piling in and stood in a line. "We're gonna do some quirk tests, like the ones you did in school but now you can use your quirk." He's so predictable. "Bakugou. You scored second highest in the practical. How far could you throw the ball in middle school?", "I think about 67 metres", "now try with your quirk"

He took the ball and threw it,"DIEEEEE!!!!!!!", 'extra much', I think to myself. Dad shows us his tracking device '705.2' that's pretty good I guess.

"Cool, this is gonna be fun"

Hitoshi face plam ourselves.  "Fun??, alright then to make it even more fun the person to place last will be expelled.",there were lots of complaints but it was all fine until someone said,

"Sensei, that isn't fair"

Hitoshi and I face palmed ourselves again. "Nothing in life is fair, child. I don't know what you thought life was gonna be like but life as a hero is anything but fair. It's about damn time you grew up and faced reality", they all looked shocked but I cut the tension when i said,"Sensei am i going next?", he looks at me and his expression softens. "Yeah sure kid"

I stepped into the circle and put a barrier around the ball. I made the ball move at ligh speed into space. Eventually I stopped using my quirk. Dad showed us his tracking thing and it had the infinity symbol on it.

"How did you do that??", I smile at them and say,"its quite simple really, I just made the ball travel at lightspeed and then when it reached space I didn't really need to use my quirk because it would continue to move at lightspeed until it hit an obstacle. ", "so right now it's still moving at lightspeed, and since it's in space it wont stop. Ever."

" What the fuck Deku were you hiding your quirk from me!!!", I was so scared. He started approaching me when dad used his capture gear and said,"do whatever you want on your own time. Dont disrupt my class.", I was grateful to dad because now I could avoid facing him for longer. But I knew that now I had to talk about it with dad.

We did the rest of the tests, they were all really simple. For the side steps I did it at my own pace but I used light speed to go faster. For the long jumpi cleared the sand by making a disk and stepping on it. I then moved the disc across the sand. For the grip test, I made a barrier around it and made it smaller, breaking it.

*Aizawa pov*

What the fuck was Bakugou doing. Was he going to hurt Izuku? He seems really familiar.

(Aizawa only knows him as Kachan, he never saw him properly and never found out his name)

The tests were going great, I could see how much most of them were lacking potential. I couldn't expel anyone for two months because Nezu banned me. We came back to the ball test and Hitoshi was the last one. He walked up to the circle, looked at me and asked, "Anything goes as long as it's in the circle?", "yup", I said.

*Izuku pov*

Toshi steps into the circle and calls Uraraka. "Hey can you do me a favor and touch this ball?",he asks "umm sure", Uraraka said, and touched the ball with all five fingers. I was fucking proud. He thought outside the box. He threw the ball, getting the same score as me and Uraraka. I heard all the other students complaining,"he cant do that",  "why the fuck can't he?"  I ask because these idiots cant use their brains. I speak again "the rules stated that anything goes as long as it was in the circle, Uraraka-kun touched the ball while in the circle and Toshi threw the ball while in the circle. So no rules were broken".

Dad walks over to me and smacks me in the head. "She's right Hitoshi didnt break any rules he just took advantage of his situation". He says with a hint of pride in his words. Then Mr.stick-up-his-ass starts scolding dad,"I'm sorry sir but it isn't correct to smack your students on the back of their heads. You should be ashamed of yourself for such disregard for proper demeanor",

Dad sighs and walks away while grumbling,"I'll smack my own problem child in the head if I see fit", "feeling the love", Hitoshi yell, I join in and say,"No.1 dad of the year", "I love you too", dad says sarcastically. He stops midway and says,"oh and no one is getting expelled it was just a ruse to make you give it your all"

Everyone relaxed and Yayorouzou said,"come on didnt you all realise that was a fake threat.", "it wasn't a fake threat. Last year he expelled his entire class in their third week here. He just couldnt this time because the principal forced banned him from doing it.

Then everyone realised we called him dad and he said 'I love you' to us.

Toshi and I were bombarded with questions,"wait he's your dad, you dont look anything like each other. Hitoshi goes but not you.", "we were both adopted by dad", I say."Adoption. That's so manly dude", "yeah dads super manly.", I say as I giggle then I receive stares for some reason.

Toshi puts his arm around my shoulder and we head off to the classroom because it was almost time for lunch.

This was gonna be a long year

The results of the quirk tests

1. Aizawa Izuku
2. Todoroki Shoto
3. Bakugou Katsuki
4. Yayourozuo Momo(I dont know how its spelled)
5. Iida Tenya
13. Aizawa Hitoshi
20. Grapist

Oh my fucking lord thank you so much for 230 reads.🥰🥰🥰

I wont be proof reading this chapter so there'll be way more typos than normal.

There will be some tododeku in the next chapter. I'm gonna go very slowly with both of them because I want to focus on Hitoshi, Izuku and Aizawa.

I'm sorry if there isnt enough Mic. I'm still working on that

I hope you enjoyed this chapter

1957 words.

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