"What's up with you two?" Schlatt asked out of nowhere.

"We are in a relationship." Wilbur replied then kissed my head.

"When did this happen?" Charlie asked.

"A few days ago I think." I replied.

"Well congrats. I'm going to post this on my Twitter now." Charlie said taking out his phone.

"Go for it green bean." I chuckled at the name I had given him.


Later on that day after meeting countless fans and signing countless things. It was a panel that I was apart of. The people in the panel were Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo, Techno, Philza, and I.

One by one we were called out onto the stage to sit on a long table with microphones, name tags, water bottles, and some paper and pens.

"What's up TwitchCon?" Tommy yelled.

Everyone screamed.

"Alright everyone! Today our group here will be answering questions! So if you want to ask a question, please line up on the left side of the auditorium where you can wait. There will be someone at the front who will give you a microphone to ask your question so that we can answer it."

The very first question was,

"Who is dating!? Slimecicle tweeted that someone in the community was dating!" The group started saying things like "we actually don't know. Honest." But Wilbur and I were silent and smiling.

I coughed for a second before replying "me." Into the microphone. The crowd started screaming. "WITH WHO!?" Someone yelled. Wilbur raised his hand. Everyone started screaming even louder.

Soon enough the panel was almost over. We had to say no more questions about our relationship because we just continued repeating ourselves.

After the panel, I looked at Twitter and realized #y/nbur was first on trending.

Wilbur and I went to my lounge to chill for a bit. We had about a few hours to relax. We snuggled on the couch for a bit before going to explore the floor.

We walked passed Jeff and Craig and onto the floor. Nobody really payed attention to us as we put hats and hoodies on. We walked around hand in hand checking out everything we could.

We walked into an area to play a demo of Ratchet and Clank.

"You know. I grew up on this game." I spoke to Wilbur.

I had taken my hood off so I could see the screen better. It was so much fun. I couldn't wait till June for the game to come out.

"You better buy me this for my birthday." I said to Wilbur who just chuckled.

I forgot to put my hood up when we left the booth. Someone yelled

"OH MY GOSH ITS Y/ndoesstuff and Wilbursoot!"

I felt a hand grab onto my sleeve and realized it was a fan.

"Let go please!" I yelled prying their hand off my sweatshirt. I started running. I was lagging behind when Wilbur grabbed my hand pulling me forward out of the grip of the public.

"Hello? Security how may I help you?"

"Hello? This is y/n. I'm currently being chased by a ton of people with another creator by the name Wilbur soot. I need help."

"Where are you?"

"We just passed stage room 3 going towards stage room 4. I'm not built for running." I was huffing.

"There should be a set of stairs coming up on your left. Go up them. There will be multiple bodyguards up there."

"Ok." I pointed at the stairs and Wilbur nodded. We ran up the stairs and made it all the way up and to safety.

We both leaned against the wall watching people try and shove passed the big burly men.

"You alright?" Wilbur asked. I chuckled sliding down the wall. I started hugging my knees with my forehead on top.

"There was just a lot of people." I replied. He wrapped his arms around my slightly trembling body.

Someone walked over with two water bottles and handed them to us.

"Do you want to the lounge or sit here a little longer?" Wilbur asked.

"Can we go?" I replied. He nodded his head.

"Want a piggy back ride?" He asked. I nodded. He squatted down getting prepared for my weight. I jumped on and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Wow your tall." I chuckled. A guard started leading us towards the lounge where we chilled until our next meet and greet.

Do you love me? (Wilbur soot x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now