"Good work, Heisenberg." (Y/N) telepathically said, enjoying the results as well as the performance.

(Y/N) used Hive Mind and ordered the Lycans to return. He watched as the two Heisenberg hit woke up, shaking their head from the pain before jumping out of the village with the others.

"What do I need to do next? We can't just tell them about the offering. It will come out as too strong." Heisenberg stated, looking at the village chief who kneeled in front of him, thanking him over and over.

"Tell them about the wooden goat first. Then ease your way into the offering. Smooth talk, Heisenberg, don't rush it." (Y/N) ordered, seeing how Heisenberg will use his words to persuade the chief to provide offerings.

"No need to thank me, it is your new devotion that called out to Mother Miranda herself." Heisenberg said, giving the man a wooden goat.

"Now, make more of these and spread it around the village. It will act as a ward of protection. Anyone who breaks this will feel Mother Miranda's wrath." Heisenberg instructed. The man almost cried in joy at the sight of it. It's not even magic, just a goddamn wood carving.

"Thank you! Thank you, kind sir! How will we ever repay you and Mother Miranda?" The chieftain asked. Giving Heisenberg a genuine smile.

"Jackpot!" (Y/N) cheered. The gateway for offerings is now open. Now, Heisenberg will only have to tell them what we need.

"Mother Miranda needs offerings as another way of devotion, fruit, and livestock will do." Heisenberg said, expressing it in a way that looked like these offerings is the least they can give.

"It shall be done, for Mother Miranda." The chieftain bowed in front of Heisenberg. The people-watching all cheered. They were now safe from the clutches of those creatures.

"How gullible these mortals are." (Y/N) said, smiling at the acquisition of the plan and its yielding results.

Heisenberg was about to leave, but a couple of knights stopped in front of the village. All wearing armor as well as blue-colored clothes. They all got down from their horses and walked to the village square.

"Mother Miranda? Another fake deity comes to challenge the Slane Theocracy." The knight said, taking off his helmet before snatching the wooden goat from the chieftain's hands.

"Looks like an addition to our family, Heisenberg. Do not kill them. Lead them here so we may properly take care of them." (Y/N) commanded, smiling at the new test subjects.

(Y/N) looked towards him and saw the Hag walking towards them before fully turning into Mother Miranda. She looked angry by the knight's interference.

"Let's go inside and be ready to meet our second official guests." He ordered, opening the automatic doors inside the base and walking inside along with the others. (Y/N) looked through the crow's eyes once more.

"There is no other Gods than ours! The Six Great Gods are the only powerful beings in this world, not any God! Not this wretched Miranda!" The knight growled, throwing the wooden goat to the ground. Its head separated from the body, breaking it.

"You there! You are a disciple of this harlot, right? Bring us to them so we may slay your diety and prove these people that she's nothing but a whore and a-" The knight mocked. Heisenberg interrupted before he could hear more and eventually kill these knights in front of the people.

"Very well. Follow me!" Heisenberg said, his tone dark and irritated as he picked up the hammer.

The knights all followed, riding their horses. Throughout the walk back, the knights did nothing but mock him and Miranda. If it weren't for (Y/N)'s orders, they would've been dead by now.

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