Part 6

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A/N Hey so I never post up here, but just wanted to say that this is going to be a single part and might be a little short. 


One hour earlier

Holy shit! I can not believe that that just happened! Here I am thinking nothing was going to happen, but well, I guess something good came out of it. I sit and smile at the back of Adrien's head and lay backwards. Who would want to have a different life.

"So how was that for a change in scenery?" Adrien asks me.

"Pretty good to me, we might want to get back to our dorm though a patrol will be coming around in a few minutes." Crap. Patrol and it is Thursday, Ms. Gray aka my mother's turn.And then I remember the fact that well, MY MOTHER WILL KILL ME IF I AM OUT PAST CURFEW. "Ok we need to be smart my mom is on patrol and if she catches me out of bed especially with a boy she will have my ass. So we should go around the back and through the old worker's entrance."

"Um, why?"

"Well my mom works here and will have us by our ears if we don't get in soon, and well I'll be in worse shape since well she's my mom."

"Ok let's do this." We ran down the old path and into the worker's entrance. That took us about 30 mins since my mom was doing a double back around where we were, so we had to be careful. Around then, it was about 11:55 and that is when the trouble started. There was a part of the campus where you could see the entire quad and well let me tell you what happened next was not pretty. There was a second where the lights went super bright then completely went out. My heart was racing out of my chest when I freaked and sent a light pulse up into the air signaling Eve with our signature color wheel. The pulse means danger and well, GET THE FREAKING HELL TO ME I THINK I MIGHT JUST DIE!!! Then I heard it. I hadn't heard it in years. The stinging whine of the Dull Noise. This was created by my mother to draw out people like us, but there is of course a side effect. The older we get, the more the noise affects us. Me and Eve, since we have more powers than normal, can go into cardiac arrest if we don't get away soon enough. So naturally I literally fell to the ground and started convulsing, that was when I smelt the power surge. All powers leave behind a mark, like a carbon footprint, but this smell was one that worried me. It almost smelt like Eve, like berries and Spring, but it had a hint of something mystical. That's when I heard Adrien yelling at me.

"LJ! LJ! You have to get up! There are people coming! Please! LJ! Come On!". That's when Eve sent me a message, it was choppy, but I knew exactly what it meant. :Its begonias, that smell. We know who this is. We need to leave now. 15 students died. She's here. RUN: I stand up, ears still ringing. Breathe. Think. Let your mind expand. I send out a small trendel to all nearby people, except for Adrien and I, and yank. They all fall down like dominos. I grab his hand and run.

"WE need to find them. WE need to go. Go to your room and grab a bag of stuff for you and Lucien. I'll grab Eve and I's hidden bags. She is here and if we don't go now, we are gonna die."

"Wait. WHAT? Die? But you said it was fine."

"I thought so, but if we don't leave we could, well leave this planet." I sprinted for the cabinet hidden in some brush.

:I got it all. Adrien is getting the boy's some stuff. Will meet you at the location. Try to use some air manipulation to cover your tracks. Everyone in the Southern Quarter is knocked out. I used a Sonic Crash. Be safe.: All I get down our empathy link is a gush of emotion. Most likely means the link is a little foggy, but she got the message. I then realize that all around me is blood and gore and the smell of dead bodies. Pyrotec. She is one of the leading ladies in fire manipulation, and not a good person. I send up a bubble then float them out and put out the fires. I can smell them all and see their festering bodies. The dead, who hopefully never get a visit from Necra, who can raise the dead. I feel my reach in the people expanding as Adrien comes back into view.

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