Part 1

14 1 0

10 years Later



I was sitting in our family's private jet and was on my way to a new school. We had messed up and got our asses expelled. Thank God it wasn't just me who got in trouble. My best friend Lucien had also gotten in trouble as well. So now we are both on our way to BlueRock academy. Whoop-de-do. Lucien, my best friend, has been moody the whole entire trip, so I had no one to talk to for six hours. Six hours. I know, a long time. But hopefully, this school will help me "control my powers" a bit more. I mean seriously why does someone have to dictate how I use my powers. I just think about how powerful I want the poison to be and touch the person and it gets administered to them. It isn't rocket science! Hoping there is at least some decent food there though. I mean at so many of my other schools the food was awful. I mean yeah it was ok but in real life all it was glorified school lunch... But enough talk about food. I need to find some way for Lucien to talk to me because I'm getting extremely bored on this jet.

"Lucien, come on please talk, this plane ride is so boring!" I whined in Lucien's ear.

"Ugh, if you hadn't wanted to play that prank we would have never had to go to this stupid school. I mean I get that that girl was getting annoying, but seriously, we could have at least done something different, like, be less harmful about it." Lucien replies smartly.

So, I just sit back in my seat. I decide to rummage through my bag for a snack but find my headphones instead. I think why not and place them in my ears, turn on a playlist and fall asleep to Stevie Wonder telling me to be happy.


This. Is. The. Worst. Day. Of. My. Life. Period. Nothing can top this off. A six-hour trip to the middle of nowhere just to some "academy" for the gifted. I never agreed to go but still I was told I had no choice. Yippee. Let's pretend I'm excited to lighten the mood in this lousy jet. Seriously it's like a bomb of depression went off in here. Does anyone in Adrien's family know what light is because if we lost power you wouldn't know cause there is no light in my foreseeable future until a few more hours? Add the fact that we are in so much trouble that we can't do what we normally do and my day has turned into liquid sunshine and rainbows, of depression. I am just so pissed about the fact I have to sit on this plane that anything would seem delightful. It's not like my best friend Adrian got me into this mess since I was in on it too. This girl in my old school was named Nina . She had a crush on me and it was so obvious because she wouldn't stop talking about me. Almost everyone in the whole school was sick of it so me and Adrian decided to do something about it. (That's a story for another time). All we did was scare her, (it may have involved some lightning indoors and a super venomous snake) I mean enough to make her pass out, but still. Now we are on this awful jet to an academy I'm so ecstatic to go to. Was being sarcastic here. I mean maybe, and I'm shooting blindly here, maybe I can hone my lightning skills. Maybe I should take a nap, still have two more hours of this miserable flight.

. Adrian.

We finally arrived at this academy and the first thing I noticed was the size. It was bigger than anything I've ever seen. Lucien started grumbling about something and a very cheery person came out and greeted us. She acted like it wasn't a punishment for us being here and that it was ... normal.

"Hello! I'm the headmistress at Bluerock Academy but you can call me Madame Burch. Now we will get your bags for you and bring them to your room. In the meantime come meet your classmates!" She was some who will always have a little pep in her step. We followed her to what looked like the main room. There weren't that many people there. At least 20 people were in the room, not counting what seemed like teachers and maybe some other important people. Everyone there looked pretty normal except two girls in the corner staring at me and Lucien; they were completely silent. The only thing that wasn't normal, was the fact that one of the girls had a black bird on her shoulder. When I looked at them they averted their gaze to the ground, still silent. When I turned to look at Lucien, he was staring at them too. They started grinning at the ground ... odd. I felt a tug on my arm and then a loud voice.

"Hi, there! You must be new! I'm Olivia." I looked at Lucien and I gave him an expression saying "I found the popular girl in this joint." Well, this is going to be fun...

" Welcome to our school, what's your name?" she asked me.

"Adrian" I replied.

"Oh, Adrian you must need a tour! This place is so huge so it might take a few hours. But that's fine! I'm free the whole night." Just what I needed. A tour. She pulled me away from Lucien not even acknowledging that he was there. I looked back at Lucien and mouthed 'save me'. All of a sudden Olivia was abruptly pulled away.

"AAH! OMG! LJ STOP DOING THAT! I AM A PERSON NOT ONE OF YOUR TOYS! DO IT AGAIN AND I'LL FREEZE YOUR FACE!" Olivia screamed. To my surprise, no one paid attention. It must be normal around here. Olivia stormed off. I looked back at the girl whose name was LJ and the brunette beside her smiled. LJ shrugged. I looked at the brunette beside LJ.

"What's your name?" I asked her. She and LJ exchanged looks and the brunette shook her head. Olivia pranced back over and said,

"Ha. Good look getting them to talk. They neeeeeeeever talk. Like ever. So don't even bother." Olivia grinned. "Now about that tour..." In a quiet voice LJ said,

"Her name is Evangeline, but she likes to be called Eve. I'm Lucie Jane, but as you know I go by LJ." Olivia's eyes bulged in surprise.

"Did you just talk LJ?! Wow! I've known you for 12 years and you two have never said a peep. Not even a sneeze." Olivia huffed. "I'm Adrien and this is my friend Lucien." I start to say, but they are gone.

A/N Hiiiii! So basically I am just gonna put a bunch of chapters in and then well, we'll see how this goes!




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