Part 4

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Eve looked very focused and....scared? Hm. Whenever I used my powers, or well. Powers sounds super cheesy. Snickers internally LJ smiled at Eve encouragingly and Eve nodded. Girls. And their secret languages. Eve looked at Basil and stared at him. For. Twenty. Minutes. I sighed and looked at my watch, hoping this would end soon. I haven't even eaten yet. She finally sighed and closed her eyes and backed away from Basil. Basil, who had his eyes clouded over. He looked like he was stuck in some fog and was using Eve as a light, to get himself out. His eyes widened to what looked like the capacity. Then, LJ said

"She can connect with him in her mind." We nodded and I looked back at Basil. So this is what possessed people look like. Eve looked even paler than she usually is as she swayed still trying to concentrate on Basil. Suddenly, he got up and dumped a cup of ice cold water on his head and stood there emotionless, as if he didn't feel the coldness on his skin. Basil and Eve were both in a trance that Eve had quickly broken out of after he did that.. The red in Basil's eyes came back and Eve let out a sigh and an apologetic face for getting Basil all wet.

"That was. So cool. " Basil said excitedly. "It was like time froze and I was sitting down and then a second later i'm here soaking wet!" Basil then ran off faster than he was talking to tell all of his friends of his experience of being possessed. I never thought I would meet a kid who thinks being possessed is a fun and exciting experience but I won't be one to judge. My stomach made a noise a cat that's attacking a person would make.

"Well might as well get food. Adrian what do you want?"

"I guess I'll have a baloney sandwich and a coke."

So I come back and finish hearing Adrian telling them about his poison.

"Yeah so basically I think about how much poison to administer, and I give it to them." Adrien says.

"Well I have power over lightning. I can also bend it to administer to any shape I want."

So basically Adrian asked what their powers were, and low and behold I was right, Eve's power had to do with scary stuff. So basically we got a really cool showcase of how, get this, Eve can possess souls. Basically she controlled Basil for a good chunk of time. After that LJ talked a bit more, really she did the talking for both of them. Actually if I'm being honest it seemed that she knew exactly what Eve wanted to say since Eve refused to talk. That's basically what happened for the rest of dinner. So after LJ and Eve got us back to our rooms, we got a surprise visit from none other than Olivia. "Hi guys. So I understand that you are having a bit of a hard time getting around the school. Well I have a solution. I have here a map to the school. Not one of those school dictated maps, but one with all the good places. And if you all get lost just look for the sparkles." Then she whispers in Adrian's ear that her room has a glitter heart with an A and an O in it since apparently they will be getting together by the end of the month.

"Please kick me if she ever tries to ask me out. I mean seriously."

"No worries dude. I would have you do the same thing for me."

Hah. Good thing it's not me because that's the last thing I need. Popularity. I mean I like attention, occasionally. But not from Olivia. Yes. I've only been here for a matter of four hours, but that doesn't really mean anything. I can spot someone like Olivia like an eagle finding its prey. 


Well, guess what. I did it. I know I know, big surprise, but I finally went against Eve's wishes. I spoke to someone!! I know, I know it doesn't seem like that much of a big deal, but we never ever speak to people. Since I have a standard to uphold, I didn't talk too loudly. Still, I couldn't resist the fact that I could throw it in Olivia's face. Helped that both Lucien and Adrien were there. Not to mention that ass Olivia had goo goo eyes for Adrien. A high pitched croak comes from behind me. I flinch and turn around. Of course. Eve's raven who she trusts more than me sometimes comes swooping in like it was no problem he scared the ever-loving shit out of me. Eve smiled at her friend.

:Why are you so scared of Leon all the time? He's harmless unless I say so. Isn't that right Leon?: She stroked his feathers. I sighed. Stupid bird was always getting in way.

:Eve I'm gonna go and cry in a hole.:

Those amazing words are code for "I'm going to go do something I shouldn't be doing". Type thing. It was developed because Eve believed that saying "powers" was too cheesy and that crying in a hole was better. She thought it was super creative.

:Kay. Well where are you going?:

:Well, where do you think? I'm going to "cry in a hole" like I just said .:

:Ok, just be careful and remember to lock the door- I mean, be careful of your surroundings.:

:I know I know.:

So after that debacle that happens every time I want to go out and practice, I went out. As I was walking past the staff building I saw the one person who could ruin my day in a matter of seconds, my mother.

"Damn it." I mumbled. I asked the wind to soften my footfalls, then went as fast as I could to the tropical gardens.

Time to have some fun. I thought. I walked in, closing the door behind me and waiting for a solid 30 seconds before breathing in and out then opening my mind. I started at the base of my being and relaxed then thought of all the little workers in the forge blasting power and that power pushing through my veins. Sitting there breathing and with every breath calling on a little more power from my internal being. Then as I sat there for about 5 minutes I felt the burn. It pulls and tugs and itches to break the surface, wanting desperately to call my body its slave. I pictured a wave swell coming through and extinguishing the gas, then centered myself and opening my palms created 14 balls of fire and sent them into the ceiling. Then as though the room was my brain, the sprinklers turned on, and I sent a mini-whirl of water in a spiral. Then I felt what Eve and I had dubbed, 'the consumer'. If we didn't rein it in it would overtake us and the power we had been trying really hard to master, would be the master of us and turn us into what we are supposed to be, but can never tell what we are meant to be. The embodiment of the elements the beings sent to earth to cause grievance and destruction, and make life a literal hell-hole. Just as I was focusing on reining it in, I hear the door handle creek, and I feel the switch fall and the consuming stops. I turn and look and just about lose my mind at who it is. I use a quick  telekinitic pulse to see what minds are around, and find Adriens. So, I decided to have a little bit of fun. 

A/N: hiiiii. So yay!! two parts in one day! Hope you like it. It might be a while cuz I gotta edit and go to class, so. Yeah. K



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