Part 2

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:LJ, are you kidding me! You are so stupid! You can't just do that, we have a certain perspective and you have to be careful about whom you speak to.: I scream telepathically as we walk across the school to the library.

:Sorry E, but I just couldn't help myself. That green-eyed one was soooo cute.:

: I get it, but you have to know when to stop. People only know about my possession of souls and your telekinesis. The elemental and telepathy stuff, not to mention healing and immunity is strictly off-limits.:

: I know I know, don't have fun.:

: Yeah LJ it is so hard to do it will take you a thousand years to master this.: We sit in the library studying and going over plans for this weekend.

.:Wait what! You never told me that you're having a meeting with your mom this weekend! LJ we absolutely CANNOT go out in public this weekend if you're going to see her. DAMN IT I was really excited to go bowling but nooo. You and your stupid schedule that nobody in the world except you understands.:. I rolled my eyes. I'm so done with people, plans and everything else in the world. If only I could just exist. Nothing else, just me. Hah. Too good to be true at this point. LJ sighed.

.:You act like it's my fault all of this is happening. I wish that she could be swiped from existence sometimes too you know..: Sure Sure. We just love thinking about wiping our parents from the face of the earth...not saying mine aren't. When we finished arguing we both carefully headed up the stairs to our dorm. As we are shutting our door we look back and see Adrien and Lucian heading up the stairs with Chloe.

"As you can see this is a boy and girl dorm floor, sadly I am on an all-girls floor, so I can't come and sneak in, but here's my room number just in case."

"Thanks?" We hear I think it was Adrian. As soon as they hit the top of the stairs we flee to the safety of our room.

: Those poor boys have to endure Olivia's mental torture.:

: Oh yes it's part of the new kid package LJ. A lecture from Olivia:

: No she only does it to the hot men.:

:oOooOoOh are you jeaaaaalousssss.:

:Eve, cut it out. I am not jealous. And not of Olivia of all the people.:

: Yeah yeah whatevs LJ.:


: You hurt my brain.: I said as I walked towards my piano in the center of the room. I say it's mine and not ours because when Lucie tried to play it, it was not a blessing to me ears, or anyones at the academy. I have found out I am able to access any music


"Dude," I said to Adrian when we got into our room.

"That was so cool! I have never seen someone use telekinesis before!" I said

"I know can you imagine some other powers there might be here?!" Adrian said.

I wonder what Eve has. Probably something really cool like "death at the touch" or something. She seems like a morbid kind of person. Oddly enough I can't stop thinking  about her even though she made eye contact with me once. But that was when I got a full glimpse of this room. No. Not a room. More like a house. Or at least that's what the size of this place is. There was a literal waterfall and a jacuzzi hot tub at the bottom of it. Ok, I may have been exaggerating, but it was super big. There also just happened to be a gigantic bathroom with a huge shower. Not to mention that you could program it to have a bunch of different settings. It was pretty awesome. There also was a small gym with weights, a bench press, and some other stuff. There was so much to do in that room, that I went all through it to see what every room had. Long story short, my room was great since the bed had rubber in it, so I wouldn't shock myself. Good call on their side. Actually, now that I think about it, it is kind of weird that they knew that. There was an absurdly calming bell that rang before a woman started talking on a loudspeaker. "Good Afternoon students of the BlueRock Academy! This is a reminder that exams are next week! Make sure to prepare for your exams. School has been canceled for the week due to the amount of people who need to restore their powers and the most efficient way to do that is sleep. If you need an extra person to wake you up for food and water, please come to the main office. We all will be happy to help! Exceptions will be made for students who need it. Make sure to use this week for studying and sleep! Have a nice Evening!" Well. I'm definitely going to be one of those exceptions. I wonder if me and Adrian are going to need to stay back a year. But before I could think about it more there was a knock at the door, and I went over to answer it. "Hi" A boy said.

"I'm Basil." he said timidly

"Hi Basil I'm Lucien." I said. He looked around my age. He held a clipboard in his hand.

"Would you prefer to eat in your room or in the hall while you stay at the academy?" Basil asked. I looked back at Adrian and he shrugged. "The hall please." Adrian said. Basil wrote on his clipboard and said that dinner was in 20 minutes. I said thanks, closing the door and leaving me one problem. In Olivia's "tour" we were never shown where the hall was....

 Lucie Jane (LJ)

I took off my uniform and put on a black sweater and white ripped jeans.


:How would I know, it's your shirt.:


:Well I saw it on the ground, so I figured....:


: I know but it was on the floor, what did you think that I would do!.:

:ARE YOU KIDDING ME, No It doesn't work like that.:

:Well to bad we have dinner to got to...:

:We look like we're going to a funeral.:

:Seriously are you of all people gonna...:



"Um, hi I don't know if you guys remember me, but I am Adrian Haven and this is my friend Lucien Grazer. Do you by chance know where the dining hall is?"

Completely dumbfounded that someone this gorgeous would want to ask me, me (well Eve too) where the dining hall is?! So I do what any rational girl would do. I nod.

: Really LJ you are serious, you see a cute guy and all you do is nod. You wuss.:

:You would do the same thing, come to the door.:

So I got Eve to come to the door. And just as I expected, she blanked.

:Well well well. The impenetrable Eve likes a boy:

:All I have to say is that knock was one loud-ass knock if I've ever heard one.:

:Oh so someone isn't the least bit amazed that two gorgeous boys came over here?:

:Nope not in the -:

"Um dining hall?"

"Come on we'll show you." I say almost inaudibly, after of course, smirking at Eve.

A/N Sooooo. Yeah. That happened. I love reading comments and will look at them all! K well, thats all!



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