5.Extra ordinary

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Taehyung's POV:

I woke up with Seokjin's warm hands resting on my waist and my legs tangled with his, our bodies were sticky and needed a shower. But it felt good to wake up like this, it was always my dream.

I opened my eyes to his beautiful face which had a little pout, I leaned in and pecked on his lips which instantly responded.

How come we ended up like this?!

It was like drama !!

He met me in a coffee shop where I work, we became friends to friends with fooling around to boyfriends to lovers who might be future husbands....!! I want it.

I smiled as my fingers traced the outlines of the nose, lips, and perfect jaw...

He is still asleep...

I untangled my legs and myself and tried my best not to wake him up...

By the time I took a shower and got ready for uni, he woke up.

" Good morning babe "

His words came in a mumble as he was still sleepy...

" Don't you have any meetings today? It's getting 9 honey "?

" Don't forget I am the boss babe "...

He pulled me over him and started kissing my bare skin.

" Seokjin... I got ready already, I don't want to be late "

" So you are saying no to our morning intimacy baby. Aren't you too cruel for it!? I am going to see you after a minimum of 14 or 18 hours from now "

" Don't play this card on me anymore Mr. CEO, if you wanted it you would have woke up early "

We are already settled in bed him being on top of me. Nowhere I am attending my first class...

" The one who begged for 4th round is telling me this!! You would have let me rest earlier, so I would have woke up earlier.... "

His hands are already roaming around my body making me lose everything. He makes me feel the things every day, every minute, I don't know what I am going to do one day when we are no more than anything to each other...

" Because it's your fault for making me go insane with your touches. you are a pied piper you know "

" Oh really....!! "

I couldn't counter back anymore as his hands rubbed over my sensitive areas, his lips doing wondering on my neck...

" Ahh.... Seokjin".

" I love you so much, baby"

I am always messing under him. I don't know when I lose touch with my surroundings. I think I fell too deep for him...

Before his hands sneaked under my pants, his phone started buzzing making both of us huff.

" It's okay... Let's continue in the night"

I smiled at him and tried to get up. Him being him he reached for his phone not letting me move...

I can hear Namjoon's Hyung voice, his secretary his best friend, maybe more of a guide to Seokjin...

" Hmm....okay...I will be there in 30 min"

Maybe some meetings got postponed, I can tell from the crease on his forehead, that it's not going to be easy. well, he works hard though, he is not the person who lives boasting about how he was born with a golden spoon...

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